La construcción discursiva de la Paternidad Responsable en el espacio católicoconsensos y resistencias en Brasil 1951-1981

  1. Batista Cordova, Reinaldo
  1. Urbano Ferrer Santos Zuzendaria
  2. Antonio Irigoyen López Zuzendaria

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 2019(e)ko azaroa-(a)k 08

  1. Joan Bestard Camps Presidentea
  2. Juan Hernández Franco Idazkaria
  3. Pedro García Casas Kidea
  1. Historia Moderna, Contemporánea, de América y del Pensamiento y Movimientos Sociales y Políticos

Mota: Tesia


This research aims to analyze the speech formation of the Catholic Church on Responsible Parenthood. An eminently religious phenomenon, surrounded by moral values and institutional tradition; emerged as a response to secular family planning processes. As it is a historical process, we consider the context fo the Magisterium development, which sought to preserve the family from the supposed secular harms, represented by artificial contraception and the fragmentation of matrimonial links. In a historical period, 50s to 80s, marked by intense transformations of identities and social behavior. The object is examined, initially from a macro perspective, to get closer to Brazilian circumstances, exposing convergences and resistances about Magisterium, within the ecclesiastical environment. Due to it is a historiographic research, we were concerned with the institution's relations with the non-religious world. We have considered, therefore, secularism, postmodernity and contraception as facts that have caused changes in collective representations, which have produced impacts on ecclesiastical politics, that used to register them as a result of values crisis of the contemporary society. For the research execution, documents produced by the Holy See, by the Brazilian Episcopal Conference, by clergy and by laity were examined. These sources were confronted with the production of literature that confronted the Catholic perspective; because it is understood that this historical fact arises from the "dialogue" between institutions and people. Hence, we have examinated the political, economic and social processes that influenced the spirit and practices of catholics, for example, regarding the military dictatorship in Brazil and the rise of Liberation Theology. The conclusion reached is that the Church elaborated its regulations on sexuality and birth control, but socio-cultural circumstances contributed to believers, in a general way, relativizing the norms, without having rejected the belief in God or in Other Catholic regulations.