Diseño, aplicación y evaluación de una acción formativa sobre prácticas centradas en la familia dirigida a los profesionales de atención temprana

  1. Rubio Gomez, Nayara
Dirixida por:
  1. Francisco Alberto García Sánchez Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 16 de outubro de 2019

  1. Fuensanta Hernández Pina Presidente/a
  2. Eduardo Elósegui Bandera Secretario/a
  3. Gabriel Martínez Rico Vogal
  1. Métodos de Investigación y Diagnóstico en Educación

Tipo: Tese


The implementation of early-care practices focused on the family involves a transformation of the team and centers for Child Development Centers and Early Care (CDIAT). These Family-centered practices means the identification of the competences and the development of the main carer's skills. Something very different from the intervention focused on the child that was being done, which invites reflection and the need for training of professionals. For an effective implementation of these practices, the professional requires specific training action. The professional has to manage and learn the paradigm's own competences. But also facing the challege of the change of mentality, especially in those professional with experience in an ambulatory model centered on the child, and that leaves all the responsability of the intervention on the professional. However, until now, in Spain there are just a few specific training about this. Therefore we have understood that is necessary to study the training needs to help the change in early intervention. OBJETIVES - Carry out a study of those professional training needs of Early Actions in practice to facilitate the change of their practices towards a Family- centered practices. - Design, apply and evaluate a training action on family-centered practices for Early Intervention professionals. METHOD The investigation of this thesis has been divided into two phases. Phase 1 corresponds to the study of training needs in Family-centered practices. We carried out a study using the survey technique and another study with the focus group technique. In the first of these studies, a total of 121 professionals participated in the International Meeting on Updating and Research in Early Action Development and Child Development organized by the Catholic University of Valencia San Vicente Martín in 2016. In the study participated a group of 13 professionals from different CDIAT of the Region of Murcia, Castilla-La Mancha and the Valencian Community. The data obtained in both studies were triangulated and contrasted with the scientific literature of the moment. This allowed us to develop, based on the study of content needs, a training proposal for the initiation of the Early Intervention Professional in Family-Centered Practices In Phase 2 of this thesis a Training Action was designed, considering the needs detected. This design was submitted to a systematized expert judgment. After the positive evaluation of the design, the Training Action was implemented and evaluated in two different editions, with slightly different formats and with different populations. The first of these was applied as a Seminar of Early Training focused on the family, attended by 21 professionals from different CDIAT in the Region of Murcia. The second was implemented as the third edition of the Early Care Course focused on the Family (UNIMAR) with 42 attendees. CONCLUSIONS The study of needs allows us to identify a set of contents that are necessary for early intervention professionals in practice. On the other hand, the analysis of the data collected by the different questionnaires allows us to positively assess the degree of satisfaction of the professionals with the Action received, thus evaluating Formative as positively the change of mentality towards intervention practices centered on the family. We can conclude that the practical training should be prioritized, as well as contemplate and organize strategies for the accompaniment and reflective consultation of the professional during their training.