El teatro de Jerzy Grotowskyliturgia del Apocalipsis

  1. Rodriguez Muñoz, Aurelio
Supervised by:
  1. Vicente Cervera Salinas Director
  2. César Oliva Olivares Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 18 December 2015

  1. Alfredo Rodríguez López-Vázquez Chair
  2. Diana de Paco Serrano Secretary
  3. Carmen Márquez Montes Committee member
  1. Spanish Literature, Literary Theory and Comparative Literature

Type: Thesis


ABSTRACT. Jerzy Grotowski was a Polish theatre director from the second half of the 20th century. Creator of the Theatre of 13 Rows, "Teatr Laboratorium" and of the concept of Poor Theatre. Grotowski inherited the thought process of Stanislavsky and in turn has been an inspiration for theorists, researchers, directors and teachers who have followed in its wake. He was a universally known director, who created a milestone and a turning point in theatrical research and study, especially so after the publication of his book Towards a Poor Theatre (1968). The doctoral thesis The Theatre of Jerzy Grotowski: Liturgy of the Apocalypse is divine with respect to the spiritual, metaphysical and anthropological aspects of the theatre of Grotowski and the Grotowskian purists. It takes us on a journey of culture and authors with whom Grotowski strikes up a relationship, with those who drink, and with those who share life and career goals. It also presents a conceptual and sensitive plan about what physical and artistic realities have to do with the mistery, both sacred and mystical, and to see what impact this and all the reading and re-reading had on Grotowski, the Polish director. The third part of the thesis is dedicated to observing what effect the process of incarnation, identification and internalization had on two of the Grotowskian company's leading stars: namely Rena Mirecka and Ryszard Cieslak. The study describes and reflects on how the actor casts off the shackles that restrain you, and leads one inwards, towards the essence, and through this journey connects with myths, archetypes, and universal, religious and mystical thought. The thesis peeks into the process, characteristics and qualities of artistic illumination within the actor, and to engage and correlate the parallels of this vital and spiritual enlightenment, creating a network between them. Through this research, one attempts to acquire some understanding as to just what feelings and nerves occur when actor steps out onto an empty, peaceful stage, love and elation, and to connect with that divine essence that there is within it, and that there is in every human being.