Externalización de la cirugía protésica de rodillavaloración de la viabilidad económica y grado de satisfacción del paciente

  1. Sanchez Cañizares, Miguel Angel
  1. José Pablo Puertas García-Sandoval Zuzendaria
  2. Domingo Pérez Flores Zuzendaria

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 2017(e)ko azaroa-(a)k 17

  1. Antonio Albarracín Marín Blázquez Presidentea
  2. Juan Ángel Fernández Hernández Idazkaria
  3. Antonio García Novalvos Kidea
  1. Cirugía, Pediatría, Obstetricia y Ginecología

Mota: Tesia


OBJECTIVES: " To study the functional results of primary knee prosthetic surgery and to analyze its influential factors. " To quantify and analyze patient satisfaction after primary knee prosthetic surgery. " To compare and analyze differences in functional outcome and patient satisfaction after primary knee prosthetic surgery between the two surgical intervention systems: Reina Sofía University General Hospital (HUGRS) and Concerted Outsourcing Hospitals. " To study the economic viability of the process of primary prosthetic knee surgery and to compare it between both models of programmed surgery for the knee prosthesis. METHODOLOGY: - All patients undergoing total knee replacement surgery by the HGURS Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology Service in 2014 were selected, and classified into two groups: patients operated in the HGURS and patients operated by HGURS physicians in Concerted Outsourcing Hospitals. - Variables related to the initial assessment of the patient, type and model of prosthesis, functional results of the surgical process, degree of patient satisfaction and economic cost were collected, comparing them between the two groups with the appropriate statistical methods. CONCLUSIONS: 1. There are no significant differences in either the patient's life safety or the complications resulting from this process, regardless of the center where the patient was operated. 2. Regarding the prosthetic implant, as well as the model, type and characteristics, there were no statistically significant differences between the two centers. 3. In order to guarantee the waiting list, it is essential to rely on Outsourced Centers, but always guaranteeing continuity of care regarding the doctor / patient relationship and the fidelity of this relationship. 4. It is demonstrated, therefore, that, in defined, standardized, reproducible and protocolized processes, such as primary knee prosthetic surgery, similar results are obtained, but with a much lower cost in Outsourced Centers. 5. The satisfaction measured in the HGURS is greater than in the externalized, which is a challenge that we must consider.