La creación literaria de microficciones en Educación Secundaria y Educación Superiorun modelo didáctico para el desarrollo de la competencia discursiva y el aprendizaje para la vida
- Pedro Guerrero Ruiz Director
- María Teresa Caro Valverde Director
Defence university: Universidad de Murcia
Fecha de defensa: 14 December 2016
- Antonio Mendoza Fillola Chair
- María González García Secretary
- María Celia Romea Castro Committee member
Type: Thesis
ABSTRACT This doctoral thesis presents, in the educational framework of Higher Education and Secondary Education, an innovative answer in the development of a communicative competence, literary education, and integral, personal and social development of students as part of a global creative culture, encouraging their self-assurance in society from humanistic, critical, solidarity and transformational key points: a model of creative interdisciplinary didactic transposition that from the area of Spanish Language and Literature, raises the interaction of multimodal texts and arts as well as various disciplines by means of reading workshops and literary creation of microfictions. The above microfictions are seen from a hypertextual innovative approach with communicative and imaginative tasks in a democratic learning framework for life. This is the common overall objective in the initial training of students of Teachers Training Degree, with professionalizing purposes, and in Secondary Education. The specific objectives that contribute to its achievement are as follows: in the first context, for exploratory purposes, to get some information about students' perception of creativity and of which, according to his academic career as a student has limited the development of that one. In the second one, to encourage different kinds of reading and text formats as an essential element of a student' skill development; to develop a literary education regarding other texts, intertextual and other art forms; to encourage a microfiction creative writing with imaginative hypertexts; to incorporate the use of ICT as a tool that enables a creative use of verbal, visual and sound language, as well as a communicative tool in the design and distribution of tasks; to promote values of originality, creativity, respect, solidarity and sensitivity; to promote the active involvement of parents in the teaching-learning process together with the collaborative writing task and promoting the monitoring of students in the reading and writing process by creating self-assessors documents adapted to the required competency evaluation. In line with these objectives, the hypothesis guiding this research is formulated as a solution to the above problems. A research that fulfils a methodological design of socio-critical nature marked by the phases of action-research, in which some techniques and tools are applied (questionnaires, diaries, direct observation, different documents - written and audiovisual - and data triangulation, as well as a methodology of organization such as creative reading and writing workshops, including a significant 'Reader Plan', connected to the curriculum and subject to the evolution of student's interests, the microfiction intensity and the poetic task interacting with other subjects and arts. All the above mentioned is included in the framework of cooperative and innovative interdisciplinary projects with original teaching resources. The results obtained allow us to reach conclusions that validate the intertextual didactic model for a creative development, in the applied context, of their communicative competence with humanizing and transforming ability, without avoiding some specific limiting factors and new purposes.