Valoración de marcadores inflamatorios y estrés oxidativo en un grupo de pacientes con enfermedad periimplantaria
- Lucas Azorin, Javier
- Fabio Camacho Alonso Director
Defence university: Universidad de Murcia
Fecha de defensa: 17 December 2015
- Ascensión Vicente Hernández Chair
- Francisco Molina Miñano Secretary
- Noemí Salazar Sánchez Committee member
Type: Thesis
The assessment of inflammatory markers and oxidative stress markers in a group of patients with peri-implantitis disease ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to know if peri-implantitis causes an increase in the total salivary concentration of oxidative stress markers. For this study we had a sample of 70 patients (28 men and 42 women) divided in three groups, 30 patients with dental implants and peri-implantitis, 30 patients with dental implants without peri-implantitis and 10 control group patients without any dental implants and perfect state of health. We measured different periodontal and peri-implant variables: bleeding index, gingival index, clinical attachment level, probing depth, presence of pockets larger than 4 and 6 mm, pain to percussion, suppuration, gingival hyperplasia or granuloma, crestal bone loss (both mesially and distally) and bone evaluated through periapical radiography. We took saliva samples for the measurement of our stress oxidative markers: malondialdeyde and myeloperoxidase concentrations. Total salivary Myelperoxidase and malondialdeyde concentration were slightly higher in the group of patients with dental implants and peri-implantitis than in the group with dental implants without peri-implantitis and with the control group but we did not find significant differences. The conclusion was that the stress oxidative markers measured in saliva, in patients with peri-implantitis or without peri-implantitis are not higher than those found in healthy patients.