El problema del género en el pensamiento contemporáneo, desde una perspectiva postbiológica

  1. Vazquez Martinez, Elisa Elena
Supervised by:
  1. Ángel Prior Olmos Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 25 January 2016

  1. Patricio Peñalver Gómez Chair
  2. Josefina Birulés Bertrán Secretary
  3. Neus Campillo Committee member
  1. Philosophy

Type: Thesis


The main objective of this thesis is establishing the current situation of the gender problem, answering the following questions: Can we keep talking about two distinct genders? Are the proposed theories transgender and queer movements only a minority utopia or constitute a trend and a universal aspiration? Can we really free ourselves from biological constraints? Will it continue to exist a viable subject for feminism? To do this, we used a methodology based on literary research and review; Summoning what has been said about the issues raised from the point of view of historical method to know the main stages and the specific path of the theories under consideration; looking for a thorough understanding of them and their interrelations, in order to obtain a global vision to draw the appropriate conclusions. So, in this thesis we studied the following topics: the philosophical theories of Judith Butler about gender. The development of the queer movement in Spain, with the ideas mainly exposed by Beatriz Preciado. Transsexuality and intersexuality as physical events triggering the onset of a new way of tackling gender as a cultural construct; and not only gender, sex as natural substrate is now questioned: is the sexual differentiation determined by biology or just a cultural conviction? The articulation of the concepts of gender, subjectivity and citizenship in contemporary feminist theory. Postfeminism and the analysis of power and oppression, away from the binary logic of domination. Transhumanism as the desire and ability of mankind to surpass nature; we can no longer justify the continuation of a discriminatory sex class system based on natural origins: every human being would choose their sexual "configuration" according to their times and circumstances, according to their wishes, and at any time of their life. The questioning of the category "woman" and beyond the category "women" as a political subject of feminism. Technofeminism and Cyberfeminism as new possibilities to overcome biology and eliminate discrimination. Artistic and philosophical contributions of Jaime del Val: transgender pansexual; the metabody. The current situation of the transition of a queer subject to a possible "post-gender continuum." To sum up, we can say that there is now a clear rejection of the generic categorization of the subject, including sexual classification in only two sexes, and a defense of multiple behavioral models established from a post-biological perspective. Biology no longer marks the immovable line, the heterosexual norm has been challenged on several fronts. The trend seems to be supported by new life sciences and information technologies, a possible "continuous post-gender", in which all of us would be included, recognized and accepted with equal dignity. But while the classic feminism warns about the need to maintain the subject "women" to perpetuate the common female fight against a patriarchy that is no weakened at all. Old claims are more important than ever, the danger of regression is real, but we should not forget that the post-feminism opens up many new possibilities. The debates will be intense: the old struggle seems to be necessary, though, connected with what new realities are proposing.