Impact of Obesity on Quality of Life, Psychological Distress, and Coping on Patients with Colon Cancer

  1. Gomez, D.
  2. Jimenez-Fonseca, P.
  3. Fernández, A.M.
  4. Castellanos, P.C.
  5. Arbizu, M.V.
  6. Cabañes, R.M.
  7. Estellés, D.L.
  8. Ferreira, E.
  9. del Rio, J.
  10. García, T.G.
  11. Carmona-Bayonas, A.
  12. Calderon, C.

ISSN: 1549-490X 1083-7159

Year of publication: 2021

Volume: 26

Issue: 5

Pages: e874-e882

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1002/ONCO.13687 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

Sustainable development goals