Synthesis of mono- and di-nuclear palladium(II) complexes containing ylide ligands [PPh2(CHCO2R)2]- (R = Me or Et). Crystal structures of [Pd{(CHCO2Et)2PPh2}2], [Pd{(CHCO2Et)2PPh2}Cl(PPh3)], and [Pd{(CHCO2Et)2PPh2}...

  1. Vicente, J.
  2. Chicote, M.-T.
  3. Saura-Llamas, I.
  4. López-Muñoz, M.-J.
  5. Jones, P.G.
Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions

ISSN: 1472-7773

Year of publication: 1990

Pages: 3683-3689

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1039/DT9900003683 GOOGLE SCHOLAR