La responsabilidad social corporativa de las empresas del mármol en la comarca del Almanzora, Almería (2019-2021)análisis de sus estrategias de comunicación integral
- Oller Alonso, Mariana
- Susana Torrado Morales Director
- César San Nicolás Romera Director
Defence university: Universidad de Murcia
Fecha de defensa: 04 March 2022
- Alicia Rubio Bañón Chair
- Hildegart González Luis Secretary
- Ángeles Moreno Committee member
Type: Thesis
This doctoral thesis aims to carry out a sectoral study of corporate social responsibility (CSR) through the analysis of the actions carried out in the field of comprehensive communication by companies in the marble industry in the Almanzora region (Almería) in the period 2019-2021. We will base the research on a sample of companies in the marble sector in this region that are part of the Andalusian Marble Business Association (AEMA). It is our intention to carry out an approach to the study of this phenomenon based on analyzing their own communication strategies evidenced through their different comprehensive communication plans, as well as through the actions they carry out around CSR. " Objectives raised in this doctoral thesis: o Main objective Evaluate corporate social responsibility (CSR) as part of the Comprehensive Communication Plan of private companies in the marble sector located in the Almanzora region (Almería). o Specific objectives OE1. Make the use of CSR visible in communication strategies on the websites of the companies analyzed. OE2. Examine whether the communication plans proposed by those responsible for the Communication area consider the CSR of their companies. SO3. Classify the digital communication management models (web pages) of the companies in the marble sector studied based on what was stated by those responsible for the Communication and / or CSR area / section of the companies analyzed. SO4. Analyze the adequacy of the comprehensive communication strategies of marble companies to the application of CSR in the context they are in. " The hypotheses proposed in this doctoral thesis: o Starting hypothesis: The deficit of the marble business sector in the Almanzora region is encouraged by comprehensive communication models and deficit CSR that prevent the industry from developing to its full potential. This is characterized by a lack of actions in the field of CSR, which would allow marble companies to establish a fluid relationship between themselves and users / clients; the media; the organizations / organisms of the sector and environmentally; public officials and politicians and other agents directly and indirectly involved in extractive and commercial processes. As secondary hypotheses I propose: H1. The marble companies studied in the Almanzora region do not carry out CSR actions in their comprehensive communication plan. H2. The web pages of the selected marble companies in the Almanzor region partially operationalize the digital resources and tools to implement initiatives associated with CSR. H3. Larger marble companies with an artisanal character invest more in communicative actions related to CSR. H4. The selected companies do not have a specific and / or specialized manager in the Comprehensive Communication area-sector. Methodology Once the sample is established, the field work is based on the application of a mixed method. For this reason, a methodological triangulation of a quantitative technique is carried out, based on the visualization of data through the scratching of the web page of the companies that act as a sample, and another qualitative, from the application of in-depth interviews facing the vis-à-vis those in charge of the Communication and / or Marketing section / module / area / department, responsible for the work related to CSR in these companies. The material obtained from the interviews and scratching is processed through a manual and computerized content analysis with the application of the free Antconc software. An analysis that allows me to obtain a focused and rigorous study capable of limiting the heterogeneity of the sample in search of a homogeneous lexical block. Conclusions The needs of an industry such as that of marble go through the implementation of a solid CSR plan in the medium and long term, which allows them: the operationalization of actions aimed at the recovery of waste; taking advantage of the advantages offered by the latest technological advances; the minimization of the risks and damages produced by crises and changes in trends in the markets; the transformation of the image that these companies have in the public opinion as not very respectful of the environment and the strengthening of the associative fabric through the increased coordination of the companies, among themselves and with the rest of the stakeholders. Although there is still a long way to go, the development of comprehensive communication and CSR strategies by companies in the Almanzora region is presented as a safe bet to build a direct link with the community in the region. that are found. Thus, improving the perception that clients have of these and, of course, the achievement of a sustainable mining business model, will allow them to make profitable the intangible benefits offered by CSR in social and economic advantages.