La eficacia de los programas de atención temprana en niños de riesgo biológico. Estudio sobre los efectos de un programa de atención temprana en niños prematuros en su primer año de vida

  1. Sánchez-Caravaca, Juan
Dirixida por:
  1. Julio Pérez López Director
  2. Alfredo G. Brito de la Nuez Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 12 de xullo de 2006

  1. Julio Sánchez Meca Presidente
  2. Fulgencio Marín Martínez Secretario
  3. Carmen de Linares von Schmiterlöw Vogal
  4. María José Buceta Cancela Vogal
  5. Carmen Rosa Pallás Alonso Vogal
  1. Psicología Evolutiva y de la Educación

Tipo: Tese


This research analyzed the impact of a three-levels early intervention program on the development of 46 pre-term babies and their families in a longitudinal study during their first year of life. 70 full-term babies also participated as control group. The premature infants were assessed at the ages of 1, 6 and 12 months of corrected age (chronological age for the full-term infants). The premature infants were grouped according to their perinatal biological risk. The results indicated that pre-term infants obtained lower outcomes, but the likelihood of retardation depends on the level of biological disorder. Besides, the perinatal biological condition is not the only determinant on the premature evolution, since other variables, such as the maternal stress, are similarly affecting the infants care and stimulation. When these conditions improve, the infants results increase. Likewise, it seems that the developmental slowing down and discontinuities in the first year of life are much more clear in the premature babies, with differential features compared to the full-term babies. It is confirmed the necessity of implementing early intervention programs for these infants and a specific support to the mothers for coping the stress that the prematurity brings about.