La descripción como operación transformacional del discursosemiótica, pragmática y matemática
- Manuel Martínez Arnaldos Director/a
Universitat de defensa: Universidad de Murcia
Fecha de defensa: 18 de de gener de 2006
- Estanislao Ramón Trives President/a
- Francisco Vicente Gómez Secretari
- Francisco Chico-Rico Vocal
- Tomás Albaladejo Vocal
- José María Jiménez Cano Vocal
Tipus: Tesi
This study concerns the syntagmatic descriptive operations in a lot of discursive prototypes. From a rhetoric and semiotic point of view, a descriptive discurse is a semantic development which the reader composes in his mind. For this reason, our comprensive ability is based on a expansive construction of our own intuition of the reality. It¿s important to say that to that end all discursive prototypes use semantic expansions in order to convince the social masses: these discursive expansions are basic fractal models which we can recognise in other scientific domains, for example, Fisics, Biology or Econometry. Considering this, we stablish a limited number of discursive analysis models in order to describe the modal and functional autonomy the descriptive texture; isotopy, spatial and temporal segmentation, formal categorisation and pragmatic value of discursive actors. A textual progression implies an semantic expansion which reduce the semantic extension. In this way, my ambition with this thesis is to use semiotic and pragmatic studies in providing concrete approaches to the ecomometric study of the language. Descriptive expansions demonstrate our discursive expressions can be studied not only from a semiotic or rhetoric point of view, but also from a mathematical perspective. This mathematical perspective extendes the possibility for empirical researchers to focus on physical and bilogical analogies from a linguistic study of the descriptive expansions.