Análisis de consecuencias y Zonas de Planificación para explosiones industriales accidentales (en el ámbito de las Directivas Seveso)
- Díaz Alonso, Fernando
- Enrique González Ferradás Doktorvater/Doktormutter
- Agustín Miñana Aznar Doktorvater/Doktormutter
Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad de Murcia
Fecha de defensa: 19 von Oktober von 2006
- María Gloria Villora Cano Präsidentin
- Justo Lobato Bajo Sekretär/in
- Jose Angel Peña Llorente Vocal
- Víctor Francisco Meseguer Zapata Vocal
- Juan Francisco Periago Jiménez Vocal
Art: Dissertation
This work undertakes the study of accidental industrial explosions. A bibliographical review is made in this field, taking and improving the main models for the calculation of dangerous magnitudes for explosions (pressure wave and fragments). In addition, a new tool for consequence analysis is developed, referred to as characteristics curves for explosions, which relate directly overpressure, impulse and distance, allowing the calculation of damage caused by industrial explosions. Threshold values published by the Spanish legislation for the establishment of Emergency Planning Zones are also analyzed, concluding that they do not offer a suitable safety level. Thus, new values are proposed taking into account damage criteria and real accident analysis. Finally, a computer program (ZEUS), that uses the models studied in this Thesis, has been elaborated to calculate Planning Zones, as well as damages produced by explosions on humans and buildings.