Estudio exploratorio de la humanización en la atención perinatal de la mujer del área I de salud de la Región de Murcia

  1. Arnau Sánchez, José
Dirixida por:
  1. María Emilia Martínez Roche Director
  2. María de los Ángeles Castaño Molina Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 16 de marzo de 2012

  1. Carmen Isabel Gómez García Presidente/a
  2. Anne Marie Sarlet Gerken Secretario/a
  3. Manuel Linares Abad Vogal
  4. Mercedes Rizo Baeza Vogal
  5. Isabel María Morales Gil Vogal
  1. Enfermería

Tipo: Tese


The reproductive process� woman has experienced an increase of quality, taking into account morbidity and mortality indicators. Likewise, the scientific evidence about obstetric cares provided have been reviewed by both international and National Institutions, questioning the Hegemonic Medical Model and fostering humanizing cares. Likewise, it will be revised the empowerment, Autonomy and woman�s take decisions in the perinatal process, taking into consideration the relationship that is set by health team, woman and her partner. Besides, the professionals� values acquired during labour socialization process and Academic training. All of them allow us to analyze not only the professional�s attitude in the laboral field but also the emotions and perceptions from women and her partner.