Aplicación de un termómetro auditivo infrarrojo en la evaluación de la salud periimplantaria
- Arturo J. Sánchez Pérez Director
Universidade de defensa: Universidad de Murcia
Fecha de defensa: 29 de novembro de 2005
- Ambrosio Bermejo Fenoll Presidente/a
- José Luis Calvo Guirado Secretario/a
- Ofelia González Sequeros Vogal
- Francisco M. Alpiste Illueca Vogal
- Gerardo Moreu Burgos Vogal
Tipo: Tese
Introduction: Nowadays, it does not exist a protocol universally accepted for the clinical evaluation of dental implants, being most of them of late nature. Objetive: to establish a pattern of normality of the periimplant temperature, to introduce an objective method of implantology precocious diagnostic. Material and methods: They were included in the study 129 osteointegrated, restored and clinically healthy. These implants were explored thermally, clinically and radiographically. Results: After applying an analysis of conglomerates to the sample, we obtained two groups differed statistically, so much from the point of view of the differential of temperature, as from the periimplant temperature. Conclusions: The pattern of normality of the periimplant temperature will depend on the anatomical localization of the implant in the arcade, being able to be distinguished among a cold region (formed by the second and third sextant) and a warm region (composed by mandible region and the first sextant).