Recuperación y difusión del Patrimonio Histórico Documentalanálisis de genealogías navales (Murcia, siglos XVIII y XIX)

  1. Martínez Solís, Lorena
Supervised by:
  1. Juan José Sánchez Baena Director
  2. Celia Chaín Navarro Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 11 March 2013

  1. Mercedes Caridad Sebastián Chair
  2. Pedro Antonio Rojo Villada Secretary
  3. Eduardo Peris Committee member
  4. Nuno Gonçalo Pimenta de Freitos Monteiro Committee member
  5. Antonio Irigoyen López Committee member
  1. Modern, Contemporary and American History, History of Thought and Social and Political Movements

Type: Thesis


Abstract Information Management is the discipline which, through an appropriate analysis of the user's needs, offers to them suitable information with the aim of to optimize their tasks. Researchers, who work in the History field, normally use historical documents. These kinds of documents, in general, are heterogeneous, they are segmented, and they contain multiple data. As a consequence, all these characteristics complicate historians job. For this reason, we carry out an interdisciplinary study, in which on the basis of the documental theory, on specific problems generated, we offer solutions applying and developing techniques, methods and technological tools that make easy the information management and the information retrieval. Some of them are genealogical software, social network representation tools, and digital dissemination tools based on 2.0 technologies. In order to reach this goal, we choose as a sample, a large and important information mass: the probanzas, key documents to deal with a study of genealogy in the naval field. Palabras clave Information management, documentary techniques, information retrieval, research, Documentary Heritage, archives, users, researches, historian, Genealogy, Social Network Representation, midshipmen, knowledge collaborative, History, Naval History, Royal Army, 18th century, 19th century, Cartagena, Región de Murcia. Palabras clave TESEO 570106 - Documentation; 120312 - Databases; 550404 - Modern History; 550500 - Auxiliary Sciences of History.