Los grupos de empresa y la relación individual de trabajo en el marco de una economía productiva descentralizada

  1. Jiménez Rojas, Francisco
Dirigée par:
  1. Prudencio José Riquelme Perea Directeur
  2. María del Carmen López Aniorte Directrice

Université de défendre: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 30 mars 2012

  1. Faustino Cavas Martínez President
  2. María Belén García Romero Secrétaire
  3. José Ignacio Lerma Montero Rapporteur
  4. Blanca Miedes Ugarte Rapporteur
  5. José Luján Alcaraz Rapporteur
  1. Economía Aplicada

Type: Thèses


The decentralized and flexible productive organization, boosted by globalization, new information and knowledge technologies, has been replacing the Fordist Keynesian inspiration since the last quarter of the 20th century; besides it has been worsening the labour markets, which involves a precariousness of employment conditions and an outstanding backing down of �welfare states� and job factor neutralization. Once the traditional principle of business uniqueness has been overwhelmed, a complex � [+]and multiple �the corporate group- employer arises; this employer is characterized by the difficulty of being identified and acquires an increasingly featuring role, inside a regulatory working context almost deregulated, where, on the fringe fraud, the unitarian corporate group management doesn�t imply deducing a solidarity liability from its activity. Inside that �particular economical unity� made up by the group, a deal-breaker or a gap is detected between the decision-making management faculties �decision unity- and the organizational ones �dependence and another person�s benefits.