La comunidad hereditaria en el derecho españolestudio de su funcionamiento y de las causas y formas de su extinción

  1. González Valverde, Antonio
Supervised by:
  1. Joaquín Ataz López Director
  2. José Antonio Cobacho Gómez Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 21 July 2014

  1. Antonio Reverte Navarro Chair
  2. Martín García-Ripoll Montijano Secretary
  3. Teodora Felipa Torres García Committee member
  4. Carlos Manuel Díez Soto Committee member
  5. Joaquín José Rams Albesa Committee member
  1. Civil law

Type: Thesis


This work studies problems related to the management, administration and termination of hereditary community, as a social figure constructed on a wide range of relationships and influences: historical, legal and economic, affecting family and heritages, based on the reality that imposes the absence of a legal regime. Although not established as a stable form of management, but only in order to preserve assets and prepare settlement and adjudication, the reality of the communities that extend in time by the will of the testator or the heirs, determines measures of management and provision and causes problematic that finds not specific solution in the Civil Code. Undivided heritage not always detrimental to the hereditary estate or to heirs, and not any time is appropriate to practice division, if you will avoid damage to property and provide better management of assets, in response to the economic situation, the nature of the assets and the interests involved in each case. The satisfaction of these interests, as well as the protection of the common ones, can advise to remain in the state of undivided, and by this means, to organize their administration and order the liquidation of assets. This leads sometimes to limit the exercise of some individual faculties like the one related to division of property. The study addresses the hereditary community from a perspective that takes into account each of the materials, techniques and documentary sources needed to build a complete concept, including the whole system and not only the regulation of the Civil Code. Here occupies a central role the various civil laws that coexist in our territory, (represented by the regulations of Catalonia, Aragon, Galicia and Navarra) and the new European framework introduced by Regulation 650/2012, of 4 July, with impact on the rights of heirs in transnational successions. Besides the analysis of the general aspects of hereditary succession in case of plurality of heirs, this work addresses the issues related to the management and disposition of property in hereditary community: the debts of the heritage, the position of creditors, the liability of heirs and the bankruptcy of the estate, the legal defense of the commons, and the access of rights to the Property Registry, and the acts of material alteration of heritage, especially provision. But it's cessation of hereditary community that causes the most problems in theoretical and practical terms. This works addresses the study of the forms and causes of extinction of hereditary community dealing separately the hereditary partition and those in which the hereditary community extinguishes without the occurrence of that division or by substituting procedures . Among these assumptions are included the absence of any of the essential elements of hereditary community, the community transformation in another figure, community or not, or its replacement by a new figure, as society, as well as cases of social irregularity or those in which, in effect remaining hereditary community, its regime has been modified by the heirs, adapting to their needs and interests and raises interesting questions regarding the operation of the community and the applicable legal regime.