Incremento de la resistencia de cepas de campo de Mycoplasmaagalactiae frente a la Tilosina

  1. Tatay-Dualde, J.
  3. de la Fe, C.
  4. Gómez-martín, A.
  5. Paterna, A.
  6. Corrales, J.c.
  7. Contreras, A.
  8. Sanchez, A.
XLI Congreso nacional de la sociedad española de ovinotecnia y caprinotecnia (SEOC): XVII congreso internacional SEOC
  1. María Jesús Alcalde Aldea (coord.)
  2. Valentín Pérez Pérez (coord.)
  3. Raúl Bodas Rodríguez (coord.)
  4. Juan José Mateos Fernández (coord.)
  5. Manuel Sánchez Rodríguez (coord.)

Publisher: Sociedad Española de Ovinotecnia y Caprinotecnia SEOC

ISBN: 978-84-608-8680-8

Year of publication: 2016

Pages: 350-354

Congress: Sociedad Española de Ovinotecnia y Caprinotecnia (SEOC). Jornadas (41. 2016. Talavera de la Reina - Toledo)

Type: Conference paper


Mycoplasma agalactiae is the main ovine and caprine contagious agalactiacausative agent in Spain. Besides, the use of antimicrobials is the mosteffective tool for the treatment of this disease. Thus, taking into considerationthe increase of minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values in M.agalactiae strains isolated in France, the aim of this work was to assess theMIC values of current M. agalactiae field isolations against enrofloxacin,marbofloxacin and tylosin. For that purpose, there were analyzed 52 strainscoming from different areas of Spain between the years 2014 and 2015. Ourresults showed a general increment of MIC values in comparison with elderstrains, which was higher when tylosin was studied. In fact, 21 strains couldbe classified as resistant to this antimicrobial