Diseño, implementación y evaluación de un programa de intervención educativa para la prevención de trastornos derivados del uso de las tecnologías en ESO

Supervised by:
  1. Carmen Castillo Moriano Director
  2. Alfredo Cuervo Pando Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 18 December 2015

  1. Lino Manuel Cabezas Gelabert Chair
  2. María Gracia Ruiz Llamas Secretary
  3. Inmaculada López Vílchez Committee member
  1. Fine arts

Type: Thesis


ABSTRACT The widespread implementation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in our society involves numerous and deep transformations. Changes that require new personal, social and professional skills from the citizens, to successfully tackle the rapid advances imposed in many areas. Current technological development presents a worrying duality, while allowing us to improve our lives, it also threatens our health and creates new problems. We are particularly concerned about the situation of minors, being a part of the population that requires special protection. As they have not completed their development, they usually lack the resources to successfully tackle the risks of using ICT. An analysis of the situation shows that there is a widespread problem in the way young people interact with technology that can lead to various disorders such as techno-addiction, all in a complex social scenario, new and changing, as new technologies and its use through mobile devices evolve quickly and steadily. On the other hand, educational systems and educational processes have enormous difficulties to adapt to the challenges that, for society in general and for young people in particular, mean the rapid emergence of new communication systems and technological devices that go with them. We start from the idea that the educational community, in general, does not possess the knowledge and skills needed for students to achieve digital competence supposed in current regulations. It is therefore necessary to conduct a comprehensive intervention on all actors involved, that is, on the one hand families (parents), on the other pupils, and finally define the most appropriate methodology for the work of teachers. For this purpose, we want to develop a project of educational innovation through an experimental method, whose overall objective is to create and implement a program that allows us to deal efficiently and holistic with the educational integration of ICT in Secondary Education (ESO) and give response to the needs of contextualized risks from the use of technologies and prevent them. And from that point on, a series of dependent objectives related among them arise: to identify those involved in the issue of integration of ICT in the educational activity in the ESO schools; to check if the Program changes the use the students make of technology; to determine if the Program changes the perception of the risk of exposure of students to technologies; to check whether the exposure to technology affects differently according to gender; to determine if the Program remains the results in the medium term. Fulfilling all these objectives we will check whether the Program can be validated as an effective way to implement it widely, and get research data on the different aspects studied.