La reforma laboral de 2012 y su influencia en la negociación colectiva a nivel empresarial en la Región de Murcia

  1. Marco Candela, Jesús
  1. Belén García Romero Zuzendaria

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 2015(e)ko urria-(a)k 09

  1. María del Carmen López Aniorte Presidentea
  2. Francisco Javier Fernández Orrico Idazkaria
  3. Inmaculada Marín Alonso Kidea
  1. Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social

Mota: Tesia


In 2012 was approved a Labor reform with high importance in various aspects of industrial relations. This dissertation focuses on the analysis of the general content of this reform, to focus later in one of the most important aspects, because of the extent of the changes. We refer to collective bargaining, especially those carried out in the business or lower level. And with the entry into force of this reform sector, provincial, regional or national collective agreements fail to take precedence over conventions enterprise level or lower level in highly relevant content. With the new regulation, priority is given to the company agreement, guaranteeing a conventional decentralization, may be negotiated at any time the term of the collective agreement of higher level. In addition, as of February 10, 2012, it provides for the possibility to pick respect the collective agreement for economic, technical, organizational and production causes. In order to analyze the significance of these regulatory changes in our region, we have conducted this study using both qualitative and quantitative methodology. This thesis is divided into five chapters: The first chapter is devoted to the description and justification of the study, detailing the objectives and the methodology used as well as the sources and the state of affairs at the time the study began. The second chapter is a theoretical approach to collective bargaining and the legal framework for it. This chapter describes the types of collective agreements, and then delimiting those that are relevant to our analysis differ. The difference between obligational content and normative content of the collective agreement also clarifies to focus later in the exclusive study of the latter type. The third chapter focuses on the analysis of the labor reform of 2012. First, the reforms carried out in the previous two years to contextualize this standard are briefly discussed. Secondly, a description of the objectives is done. And third, the content thereof is analyzed, specific sections devoted to such important issues as the new regulatory framework ultraactivity in collective agreements or the non-application of collective agreements when there are reasons justifying it. The fourth chapter of this thesis focuses on the study of the situation of collective bargaining at the enterprise level after labor reform of 2012, analyzing the situation of this issue both the time of publication of Royal Decree-Law 3/2012, of 10 February, validated by Law 3 / 2012, of July 6, and after the entry into force of this new regulation, in order to compare and analyze the effects this reform has had on the collective agreements that have been negotiated after the same. In this chapter we are studied each and every one of the improvements in these conventions: paid leave, holidays, working hours, contracts, salary structure, leave of absence, termination of the contract of employment, training, social action, etc. Finally, as an epilogue, the fifth chapter, where the major changes that has led the labor reform of 2012 and the final conclusions of the study are detailed, among which include the influence of this reform on many aspects of labor relations of workers in our region.