Behavioural finance in islamic finance , a new approach

  1. Kaakeh, Abdulkader
unter der Leitung von:
  1. Stefan F. van Hemmen Doktorvater/Doktormutter
  2. M. Kabir Hassan Co-Doktorvater/Doktormutter

Universität der Verteidigung: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Fecha de defensa: 15 von Juni von 2018

  1. Jordi Bacaria Colom Präsident/in
  2. María del Carmen Alarcón del Amo Sekretärin
  3. Ángel Herrero Crespo Vocal

Art: Dissertation

Teseo: 551836 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


This Dissertation focusses on the Islamic Behavioural finance from the perspective of Consumer behaviour and how Salespersons interacts with this behaviour, it tests the factors affecting the attitude and intention of consumers toward Islamic finance in two different countries, it also tests the factors affecting the self-efficacy and performance of Salespersons in Islamic banks including customer demandingness. The first chapter summarises the literature of behavioural finance and Islamic Behavioural finance and identifies the gaps and aims of the thesis. The second chapter uses a theoretical model based on the theory of reasoned actions to investigate the effects of attitude, religious motivation, awareness, and service and pricing, on the intention to use Islamic banking among the Muslim minority in Barcelona - Spain. It also determines the profile of a potential Islamic banking customer among this minority. The empirical part uses survey-based questions, factor analysis and logit regression to analyse the data. The results show that attitude, religious motivation and awareness are all important factors affecting the intention to use Islamic banking. The study also highlights that the profile of a potential Islamic banking customer is a member of the main components of the Muslim community (Spanish, Moroccan, and Pakistani Muslims), male, did not reach university degree in his education. The research shows the potential for Islamic banks in the Spanish market, and the possibility of raising awareness about Islamic banking. It also shows that Islamic banking in Spain could help the Muslim minority to participate effectively in financial activities, thus leveraging their capacity to integrate into the community. The chapter also highlights the importance of empowering the women in this minority and could help society by encouraging off-banking money to flow into the financial sector. The research is the first empirical attempt to test the factors affecting the intention among Muslims in Barcelona - Spain to deal with Islamic banking. The study also highlights the importance of Islamic finance for Muslim minorities as a method to support their religious identity. The third chapter investigates the effects of the following factors: image; awareness; Shariah compliance and individualism, on the attitude and intention of customers to use Islamic banking among Bank customers in UAE, and the mediating role of attitude in that model, using a theoretical model based on the Multi-Attribute Attitude Model, the theory of reasoned actions and the theory of planned behaviour. The research will focus on surveying bank customers living in UAE. Structural equation modelling will be used to analyse the data. Results show that attitude and awareness affect intention directly, while image, awareness, Shariah compliance and individualism affect attitude directly and affect intention indirectly mediated by attitude. The chapter resulted in showing the importance of Shariah compliance of banks, the individualism of customers and image of the bank on attitude and intention and provides suggestions for banks to benefit from these aspects to widen their customer base. The study provides an insight into individuals’ decision-making and the importance of a social approach by banks when advertising. The final chapter will investigate the relationship between the factors: organisation image, awareness effort, customer demandingness, self-efficacy and self-rated performance among salespersons of Islamic banking products in the UAE and the mediating role of awareness effort and self-efficacy in the model, using a theoretical model based on the social cognitive theory. The chapter focuses on surveying salespersons of Islamic banking products in a mixed bank (a conventional bank that has an Islamic department) in the UAE. The researcher uses partial least squares to analyse the data. The results show that customer demandingness positively affects awareness effort at the sales level, awareness effort positively affects self-efficacy, self-efficacy positively affects performance and image positively affects salespersons’ self-efficacy and performance. Furthermore, the chapter highlights the mediating role of awareness effort and self-efficacy in the model. The study shows the importance of awareness effort to achieve better performance as well as the importance of addressing the customer requirements in the environment and the role of the organisation image in enforcing salespersons’ self-efficacy and performance.