Efecto del estadio fisiológico en el diagnóstico de la infección por Maedi Visna en sangre, calostro y leche

  1. S. Andrés
  2. I. Glaria
  3. M.I. Mora
  4. R. Reina
  5. M. Alzueta
  6. J.M. Pérez de la Lastra
  7. E. Berriatua
  8. L. Luján 1
  9. E. Biescas 1
  10. M. Pérez 1
  11. A. Fernández 1
  12. D. de Andrés
  13. B. Amorena
  1. 1 Universidad de Zaragoza

    Universidad de Zaragoza

    Zaragoza, España

    ROR https://ror.org/012a91z28

Producción Ovina y Caprina: XXIX Jornadas Científicas. VIII Internacionales de la Sociedad Española de Ovinotecnia y Caprinotecnia
  1. Fernando Forcada Miranda (coord.)
  2. Eduardo Angulo Asensio (coord.)
  3. José Antonio García de Jalón Ciércoles (coord.)
  4. Marcelo de las Heras Guillamón (coord.)
  5. Fernando López Gatius (coord.)
  6. Marianao Domingo Álvarez (coord.)
  7. Alfonso Abecia Martínez (coord.)

Publisher: Sociedad Española de Ovinotecnia y Caprinotecnia SEOC

Year of publication: 2004

Congress: Sociedad Española de Ovinotecnia y Caprinotecnia (SEOC). Jornadas (8. 2004. Lleida)

Type: Conference paper


In order to optimize the diagnosis of subclinical infection in Rasa Aragonesa infected by the Maedi Visna virus(MVV), ELISA and PCR were applied using different types of samples (colostrum, milk and blood) obtained indifferent physiological stages. This study demonstrates that sample source (colostrum, milk, blood, etc.) andphysiological stage are key factors for interpreting ELISA results (both, positiveness vs. negativeness and score)in MVV diagnosis, in which PCR has a complementary value. In dams, the ELISA results from milk and serumafter weaning showed a high discriminatory power between infected and uninfected. The highest ELISA scoreswere observed in colostrum-milk of seropositive and seronegative dams at 24-96 h and 24 h post-partum,respectively. Positiveness was detected in seronegative dams during this period, but the average of their ELISAscores was significantly lower than in seropositive dams, and their lambs remained seronegative. In contrast,lambs from seropositive dams showed high ELISA scores in serum mainly until 96 h of age; scores decreasedvery significantly from weaning till the age of 3 months. Thus, during this period of life, positive ELISA valuesmay be indicative of maternal antibodies coming from MVV infected milk and can be useful for an earlydetection of infection risk. PCR was not positive in all the seropositive dams but it was complementary toELISA for MVV diagnosis in lambs.