Adaptación del metabolismo central en el mantenimiento de la homeostasis en ambientes hipersalinoscaso del halófilo Chromohalobacter salexigens

  1. Pastor Hernández, José María
Dirigida per:
  1. Vicente Bernal Sánchez Director/a
  2. Manuel Cánovas Díaz Director

Universitat de defensa: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 22 de de gener de 2016

  1. Carmen Vargas Macías President/a
  2. Teresa de Diego Puente Secretària
  3. Néstor Torres Darias Vocal
  1. Bioquímica y Biología Molecular "B" e Inmunología

Tipus: Tesi


SUMMARY: Objectives: (i) Drawing a draft of central metabolism from C. salexigens based on the annotated genome, (ii) assessing the main extracellular fluxes (carbon source uptake, by-products excretion) and the synthesis of the main compatible solutes, ectoines, and analyzing the effect of salinity on such fluxes using isotopically labeled carbon sources, (iii) studying the effects of medium composition (as C/N ratio and nitrogen source) on metabolic fluxes, biomass/ectoines synthesis and by-products excretion and applying this information to devise a culture strategy able to maximize biomass/ectoines production, (v) analyzing the effect of fructose as carbon source on the C. salexigens physiology and (vi) identifying the pathways for fructose uptake and give experimental evidence of them. Methodology: HPLC was applied to identify and quantify metabolites and ectoines, 13C-NMR for ectoines quantification and isotopic label tracing and 31P-NMR for assessing enzyme activities on crude extracts. Spectrophotometric methods were applied for measuring enzyme activities (both in crude extracts and purified proteins). RT-PCR was used in gene expression experiments and molecular biology techniques for cloning and heterologous expression of genes from C. salexigens in E. coli. Results: Glucose grown cultures were performed at different salinities, showing a less efficient metabolism at low salinity as overflow metabolism (pyruvate and acetate excretion), lower biomass synthesis and higher glucose uptake rate. Studies using 13C-labeled glucose show that i) C. salexigens lacks a functional glycolytic pathway, and metabolizes glucose almost exclusively through ED pathway, which is likely due to the lack of Pfk enzyme, ii) high anaplerosis levels, compared to related microorganisms, iii) certain key flux ratios from central metabolism were not affected by salinity, involving a metabolic rigidity which could explain the presence of overflow at low salinity. Higher overflow levels are shown by cultures grown on a higher C/N ratio (limiting nitrogen source). Ectoines synthesis yield is higher when growing in media with low carbon (glucose) and nitrogen (ammonium) sources content. These results are applied to devising a two-step fed-batch culture strategy, which allowed reaching high cell density and overflow removal. C/N ratio did not affect central metabolism flux ratios, further confirming the metabolic rigidness. Lack of overflow and higher biomass yields are shown by fructose grown cultures. Using 13C-labeled fructose confirmed the existence of two alternative pathways for fructose uptake in C. salexigens: ED pathway which contributes to 80-85% of fructose uptake flux, and EMP pathway for the remaining part of carbon flux. Conclusions: Glycolysis is not present due to lack of Pfk enzyme, thus, glucose must be assimilated through ED pathway, which is more efficient in NADPH production; anaplerosis is relatively high. These results suggest C. salexigens has adapted to meet the high biosynthesis needs posed by salinity. Central metabolism is rigid, as central flux ratios were not affected by salinity or C/N ratio in growth medium. Such rigidity makes metabolism less efficient in low nitrogen and low salinity growth media. This could be understood as an adaptation to grow in nutrient-poor environments. Environmental conditions where central metabolism is less efficient lead lower growth yield due to overflow metabolism. C. salexigens can metabolize fructose by means of two different routes: ED and EMP pathways. Most of fructose is assimilated by ED pathway, due to high cofactor synthesis needs. The availability of an additional EMP route makes fructose metabolism more efficient than glucose metabolism, resulting in lack of overflow and higher biomass yields in fructose.