La música desde finales del siglo XIX a mediados del XX en OrihuelaCarlos Moreno Soria (1874-1962)

  1. Sanchez Nortes, Margarita
Supervised by:
  1. Juan Miguel González Martínez Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 25 January 2016

  1. Pedro María Egea Bruno Chair
  2. Rubén Pacheco Mozas Secretary
  3. Sara Román García Committee member
  1. History of Art

Type: Thesis

Sustainable development goals


The city of Orihuela shapes its history from the moment of its Reconquista in the 13th century and the creation of its diocese in the 16th century. At the end of the 19th century was born Carlos Moreno Soria, a composer whose music destiny was shaped by historical, social and economic developments as the encumbrances, The Concordat in 1851, the promulgation of the Motu Proprio and the demand at that time of religious popular music. During the fourteen years working in the music chapel in the cathedral of Orihuela, performed various jobs. However, and although is serving as a chapel master, he never gets such appointment. In this work combines Orihuela Cathedral with others such as Casino Orcelitano pianist, occasional conductor in various events and teaching for children of wealthy families in the city. The study of Carlos Moreno's work will not only reveal the circumstances in which the music chapel of the cathedral is managed but also, through the demands of works by the institutions and the society in Orihuela, the importance of certain festivities, popular religious music and the new non-religious cultural centre: El Teatro Circo y El Casino Orcelitano. On the other hand, the master Carlos Moreno lives most of his life in Alicante where he has got contact with other non-religious genres and he performs various music-related works: he is assistant and copyist of the master Oscar Esplá, and his name appears on billboards as an music director, accompanist of a radio singer and member of a remarkable quintet that performed at the Café Español, among others. The goals we have set to tackle our work are: 1- Set the music history of Orihuela linked from the 17th century and its evolution through their festivities. 2- Analyse the factors and historical and religious consequences that determine the music in the 19th and in the middle of the 20th centuries in Orihuela, and the relevance of the new non-religious recreation centres in the city. 3- Spread the biography of the most outstanding composers in Orihuela and of those who are not musically linked to this city. 4- Find out and collect all the data concerning the life of the composer Carlos Moreno Soria and integrate them into his city, as well as two of his descendants, his son, Jose Maria Moreno Matthew, and his grandson, Romualdo Moreno Torres. 5- Review the inventory and all the files where there may be some work of the composer Carlos Moreno in order to make a unique catalog of his works. 6- Analyse the religious, historical and economic factors that influenced the composer's work. 7- Determine the importance that Carlos Moreno Soria had in the music chapel of the cathedral in Orihuela and his position. This work involves searching the data through Chapter Records and other documents and newsletters, press conferences and interviews with those who knew the composer in order to develop his biography. In addition, we studied the different files where you can find sheet music by the master Carlos Moreno for the collection and cataloguing of the composer's work. Further analysis of the work together with the study of the circumstances in which he lived, and therefore his compositional work, has allowed us to establish some conclusions concerning the music of this period in Orihuela and determine the importance of the music of Carlos Moreno Soria in the music chapel of the cathedral and the position he held in it.