Historia geológica de la cuenca de Lorca (Murcia):influencia de la tectónica en la sedimentación.

  1. Guillén Mondéjar, Francisco
  2. Rodríguez Estrella, Tomás
  3. Arana Castillo, Rafael
  4. López Aguayo, Francisco de Borja

ISSN: 0213-683X

Datum der Publikation: 1995

Nummer: 18

Seiten: 30-34

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Geogaceta


Neogene sedimentation in the Lorca basin has been related to tectonics specially to Basin's Central Fault, whic has alternately like inverse and normal according to compressive ord is tensible phases; likewise the depocentre has been displaced successively to one side and the other of the fore-mentioned accident.