Unidades tectosedimentarias y rupturas en la Cuenca de Lorca (Murcia).

  1. Guillén Mondéjar, Francisco
  2. Rodríguez Estrella, Tomás
  3. Arana Castillo, Rafael
  4. López Aguayo, Francisco de Borja

ISSN: 0213-683X

Ano de publicación: 1994

Número: 17

Páxinas: 39-42

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Geogaceta


The complementary use of the mineralógical and tectosedimentary analysis has allowed to establish five tectosedimentary units (TSU) in the Lorca Basin dated from the upper Burdigalian to the Pliocene. They were originated in marine environments with entrance of cotinental contributions except for the TSU-5, that has a fluvial-lacustrine origin. The absence of two tectosedimentary units at the north of the basin supported the existence of a fracture in the middle of the basin that has conditioned their space-temporal evolution