La responsabilidad civil extracontractualestudio cualitativo desde la perspectiva de la enfermería en las Áreas de Salud II y VIII de la Región de Murcia

  1. martín rodríguez, josé
Supervised by:
  1. María José Torralba Madrid Director
  2. Diego José García Capilla Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 01 February 2016

  1. José Ángel Rodríguez Gómez Chair
  2. Ana González Secretary
  3. Miguel Company Morales Committee member
  1. Philosophy

Type: Thesis


The evolution experimented by the different sanitary professions, with the increase of means and scientific advances, specially from the XXth century, has extended the responsibilities of Infirmary and rest of the allied health personnel. In Spain the juridical treatment of the sanitary responsibility, unlike what happens with cases of civil responsibility in other professions, has experienced a fast evolution. The object of study in this investigation is the extracontractual civil liability, responsibility based in the general principle of the article 1902 of the Civil Code. General objective. Analyzing perceptions and knowledge that professionals of Infirmary belonging to II and VIII areas of health of the Region of Murcia have about the juridical civil responsibility, In turn, we propose to get the following specific objectives: 1. Identifying the difficulties than the professionals of Infirmary of the II and VIII areas of health have to confront themselves to situations of the practical clinic related with civil responsibility not in the contract. 2. Describing roles and attitudes before potential impacts of this type of civil responsibility. 3. Knowing the perception that the nurses participating in this study have about the civil responsibility not in the contract. 4. Detecting cognitive factors and attitudes that the participating nurses in the study associate with this juridical figure in their work environment Hypothesis. H1. Verifying that the professionals of Infirmary of II and VIII areas of health demonstrates limitations in its knowledge about the civil responsibility not in the contract. H2. Confirming the formative shortage related to the civil responsibility not in the contract of II and VIII areas of health in the sanitary centers. Material and method. It's an exploratory Qualitative Research with participation of nurses, in which the focal group is used as technique of data acquisition. Three focal groups whose content is carved in audio for a posterior transcription and categorization of the content to help us with the thematic analysis. Results. In the first place the analysis of the variables sociodemographic asked for to the participants. Secondly the different categories and sub-categories obtained of the analysis presented. In this dissertation there are exposed literal appointments. Discussion. The civil responsibility not in the contract is appreciated with a high degree of sensitizing by the participants. This legal figure shows a crossroad of opinions, stocks, feelings, beliefs and attitudes. Realization of an analysis SWOT that gives us possible positive and negative points in the axiom nursing knowledge/formation in legal matters. Findings. I. The general and the specific planned objective have been reached. II. The enunciated hypotheses have been confirmed. III. The explicit recognition of formative lack in this juridical figure coming from the speech of the participating nurses in the focal groups. IV. The knowledge of the nurses in relation to our object of study is organized on the basis of a set of strategies where the scarce knowledge perceived in this matter is combined with a set of beliefs, different figurations and perspectives.