Etnobiología y conocimiento tradicional en el entorno del complejo lagunar de la laguna de Pétrola (Albacete, España)

  1. Alonso VERDE
  2. José FAJARDO
  3. Diego RIVERA
  4. Concepción OBÓN
  5. José GARCÍA
Sabuco: Revista de estudios albacetenses

ISSN: 1577-2969

Argitalpen urtea: 2017

Zenbakia: 12

Orrialdeak: 159-189

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Sabuco: Revista de estudios albacetenses


The ethnobiological evidence available for the surroundings of the Pétrola lagoon (Albacete, Spain) is briefly reviewed. It should be noted the extensive list of ethnoflora as well as those of ethnofauna and the ethnomicological repertoire. In spite of the entity of the lagoon the uses collected refer more to the crops and wild resources of the surroundings of the lagoon.