Motivación, dirección de la autoconfianza y flow en judokas de alto nivel

  1. Montero Carretero, Carlos
  2. Moreno Murcia, Juan Antonio
  3. González-Cutre Coll, David
  4. Cervelló Gimeno, Eduardo
European Journal of Human Movement

ISSN: 0214-0071 2386-4095

Datum der Publikation: 2013

Nummer: 31

Seiten: 1-16

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: European Journal of Human Movement


Based on the hierarchical model of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation (Vallerand, 1997), and the model of directionality of anxiety of Jones (1991), the aim of this study was to analyze the relationships between motivation, the directionality of precompetitive self-confidence on the competition flow state. Our sample was 128 Spanish elite judo athletes who completed questionnaires concerning the basic psychological needs, self-determined motivation, direction of precompetitive self confidence and competition flow state. The structural equation analysis showed that the basic psychological needs for competence and relatedness predicted the self determination Index (SDI), and SDI predicted the directionality of self-confidence. Finally, directionality of self-confidence predicted competition flow state. The results show the relevance of situational variables on psychological behavior in competition.

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