Desarrollo y validación de un instrumento de medida de las estrategias motivacionales empleadas en las clases de Educación Física

  1. Cervelló Gimeno, Eduardo
  2. Moreno Murcia, Juan Antonio
  3. Villar Álvarez, Fernando
  4. Reina Vaíllo, Raúl
Revista iberoamericana de psicología del ejercicio y el deporte

ISSN: 1886-8576

Year of publication: 2007

Volume: 2

Issue: 2

Pages: 53-72

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista iberoamericana de psicología del ejercicio y el deporte


This study analyzes the construct validity the predictive validity and reliability of an instrument to measure motivational strategies employed in physical education classes. Based in Ames's (1992), motivational strategies, factorial (exploratory and confirmatory) analysis and simple correlations were employed in two studies with more than 1000 pupils in physical education classes on secondary education. The results show that the instrument has construct and predictive validity, and reliability. Results also show that the perception of mastery-oriented motivational strategies was positively related to task orientation and to belief that motivation and effort are the reasons of success in physical education classes. On the other hand, the perception of performance-oriented motivational strategies was positively related to ego orientation and to belief that normative ability and deception are causes of success in physical education classes

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