La contribución de la Unión Europea a la investigación policial del terrorismo yihadista

  1. Martínez Sánchez, Rafael Pedro
  1. María José Cervell Hortal Zuzendaria

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 2016(e)ko otsaila-(a)k 11

  1. Cesáreo Gutiérrez Espada Presidentea
  2. Antonio Blanc Altemir Idazkaria
  3. Romualdo Bermejo García Kidea
  1. Derecho Financiero, Internacional y Procesal

Mota: Tesia


AIM The Jihad groups settled in Europe are investigated by the police of the different member states, but what this thesis intends to emphasize is the UE contribution in the form of cooperative structures. Consequently, our first task has been the analysis of the UE legislation to fight Jihad terrorism and its practical assessment from the point of view of a police unit of a member state. We have limited our research to strictly police mechanisms of cooperation. This work basically studies the information exchange mechanisms between police operative units. Because of its special importance we have also included judicial cooperation mechanisms. It has been necessary, as an unavoidable complement, to describe Jihad and religious terrorism and the way they work in its attack against UE member states. All other forms of terrorism are not treated in this study. This thesis also points out the difficulties derived from the study of European antiterrorist legislation, because of its direct integration in Spanish laws and the additional difficulties derived from the dynamics of this socio-criminal reality. METHODOLOGY For the analysis of the UE legislation we have described the different police cooperation mechanisms for the investigation of Jihad terrorism and their judicial analysis. In the last chapters of this work we give a practical view and a critical judgement of the most effective tools for an investigation police unit. This exchange of theory and practice comes from our experience both as a Law Graduate and at the same time as a police inspector devoted to criminal investigation. CONCLUSIONS We come to different conclusions, among which one outstands: the UE adoption of a set of police cooperation mechanisms on a field, antiterrorism, traditionally linked to bilateral cooperation. Beside this main conclusion there are others which are more exact.