Valoración de casos de maltrato infantil detectados en urgencias de pediatría del Hospital Clínico Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca de Murcia

  1. Madroñal Fernandez, Pilar
Supervised by:
  1. Carmen Isabel Gómez García Director
  2. María José Aguilar Cordero Director
  3. César Carrillo García Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 28 January 2016

  1. María Emilia Martínez Roche Chair
  2. María Nieves Muñoz Rodríguez Secretary
  3. Helena Hernández Martínez Committee member
  1. Nursing

Type: Thesis


This research consists, as reflected in the index, of a theoretical framework in which we outline the basic concepts of this research on the different definitions of child maltreatment, according to various bodies and authors; their types, according to the moment at which the maltreatment occurs; the authors of the maltreatment; and the specific actions or omissions that constitute the inflicted maltreatment. We also present the indicators of child maltreatment that are observable, referring to both physical and psychological effects, as well as the behaviour of the affected children and adult caregivers. We will cover the theoretical basis of the investigation by giving a historical review of child maltreatment, considering the changes in customs and cultural practices. We will discuss the legal framework throughout the history of child protection legislation on three levels: regional, national, and international. We will define its needs in order to identify the situations that fail its adequate fulfilment and that violate its rights. We will look at parental behaviours toward maltreatment. The proposed objectives are: General: To analyse the incidence of child maltreatment in the child population assisted at the Emergency Room of University Hospital Virgen de la Arrixaca, Murcia. Specific objectives: 1. To identify the sociodemographic characteristics of the examined population. 2. To determine the existence of suspected, or confirmed maltreatment. 3. To discover the kind of maltreatment in the examined child population. 4. To establish the degree of child maltreatment in the examined child population. 5. To specify the originator of the child maltreatment. The methodology used in this study is quantitative, descriptive, and transversal. The population that makes up our study are all children between the age of 0 days to 12 years, assisted at the Emergency Room of University Hospital Virgen de la Arrixaca, and suspected of being victims of maltreatment that has been filed with the Case Reporting Sheet in the period between 2007 and 2014. Data is collected through the Risk Notification Report by the Health-Care Sector, designed and provided by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, Department of Family and Social Services. Results: In the last eight years, the most frequent type of maltreatment was physical abuse and neglect, and the least frequent was emotional abuse. Gender distribution of the children is very similar. Overall, the highest rates of maltreatment are at ages younger than 1 year. Most of the cases of maltreatment were diagnosed as mild. In case of physical abuse, the most common types were bruises. The percentage of physical abuse decreases as age increases. The number of cases of emotional abuse and sexual abuse increases with age. After receiving care, the majority returns home. Almost half of the attended cases are referred to child protection services. A significant proportion of the cases was admitted to hospital. To conclude we state that, although the percentage of cases is not very high, it is significant because of the seriousness of the act and the importance of the consequences for children who have been maltreated at any stage of life.