Resumen histórico de la investigación en enseñanza
- Fernández Durán, E. 1
- Jiménez Gómez, E. 2
- Solano Martínez, I. 2
Universidad de Granada
Universidad de Murcia
- Jiménez Liso, María Rut (coord.)
Argitaletxea: Editorial Universidad de Almería (edual) ; Universidad de Almería
ISBN: 978-84-691-5088-7
Argitalpen urtea: 2008
Orrialdeak: 696-705
Biltzarra: Encuentros de Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales (23. 2008. Almería)
Mota: Biltzar ekarpena
The different projects of teaching that were born during the1960s didn’t get the effectiveness that they looked for. The tendency ofthese projects based on logical approaches, has been well-known asbehaviourism. The lack of effectiveness of both, researchs about contentsand researchs about the methodology of teaching, forced researchers totake into account the Piaget’s ideas about the stages of the mentalevolution. The behaviourist researchs based on these stages, made clearthat students possess conceptual contents that are different from thatones that, we can suppose, are common to both, teachers andresearchers. This condition originated the well-known investigativetendency of the conceptual change. The ignorance of the child’s mental evolution process has originated that the research about conceptualchange has gone evolving from the starting point, that tried to eliminateall the student’s conceptuation and to replace it for the scientificconceptuation, to accepting that both occur simultaneous in the students.At the present time, there is a certain gestaltic tendency, since thephilosophy of science has made clear that learning depends on non-logicalelements that are present in the teaching. It is concluded with a series ofconsiderations on the future research about teaching.