Avances de la técnica de preselección del sexo en el ganado porcino mediante separación de espermatozoides X e Y por citometría de flujo

  1. Parrilla Riera, Inmaculada
Dirigida per:
  1. Juan María Vázquez Rojas Director
  2. Emilio Martínez García Director

Universitat de defensa: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 27 de de maig de 2005

  1. Heriberto Rodríguez Martínez President/a
  2. Jordi Roca Aleu Secretari
  3. Julián Garde López-Brea Vocal
  4. Luis Anel Rodríguez Vocal
  5. José Yélamos López Vocal
  1. Medicina y Cirugía Animal

Tipus: Tesi


Flow cytometric sorting technology based on differential DNA content between X- and Y- spermatozoa is the only effective procedure for achieving offspring of the desired sex. In swine production the application of this method could improve significantly the productive benefits by planning the insemination to produce a specific sex. A detailed knowledge of aspects related to the efficiency of the sperm sorting technique and to aspects related with effects of sorting procedure on the viability and penetration ability of pig oocytes of flow sorted boar spermatozoa, and of the potential damaging effect of the procedure on sperm DNA is necessary to obtain optimal results. This thesis presents the results of experiences about, the usefulness and efficiency of this technology, followed by the analysis of sorted boar spermatozoa motility, viability, penetration ability. Results of mutagenic effect of Hoechst 33342 staining and sorting on sorted boar spermatozoa are also included.