Estudio de la alegríaanálisis y validación de un instrumento para medir la alegría estado-rasgo en niños (STCI for kids)

  1. Sevilla Moreno, Antonio
Supervised by:
  1. Eugenia Piñero Ruiz Director
  2. Olivia López Martínez Director
  3. Julián Jesús Arense Gonzalo Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 21 January 2016

  1. Jesús González Requena Chair
  2. Immaculada Sureda García Secretary
  3. María Inés Monjas Casares Committee member
  1. Developmental and Educational Psychology

Type: Thesis


This thesis justifies, from a theoretical framework, the need to adapt, for the Spanish child and adolescent population, a questionnaire on the emotion of cheerfulness, as it is the State-trait Cheerfulness Inventory for Kids (STCI for Kids of Hösli, Sommers & Ruch, 2006). Specifies a definition of cheerfulness, trying to save the existing difficulties, within the research community. Depart from the following general objectives: first of all, the objective is to translate, retrotraducir and adapt the inventory feature state of cheerfulness (STCI, Hösli & Sommers, 2006) Spanish and check if an instrument adequate psychometrically that allows measurement of this human capacity and secondly is the objective is to check the relationship between factors, Serious and moodiness, and the anxiety factor, both State as a feature. GENERAL OBJECTIVES: 1. The first and main goal of this research is to translate and adapt the inventory feature state of cheerfulness (STCI, Hösli & Sommers, 2006) Spanish and check if it is an instrument adequate psychometrically that allows the measurement of this human capacity. 2. A second objective is to check the relationship between cheerfulness, seriousness and bad mood factors, and both State and trait anxiety factor. For the translation of the questionnaire was followed the method of translation-retrotranslation with panel of professionals, the help of two bilingual people, in order to determine any modifications, as they mark the guidelines of the international testing Committee (ITC). Both versions, State and trait, translated into the Spanish from the English version, of the cheerfulness State-trait inventory, as well as anxiety questionnaires STAIC and STAI have been used. The results were obtained from different statistical techniques, and all the statistical analysis was performed using the statistical package SPSS 19.0. " As results we can say that: Parties assessing cheerfulness and bad mood the STCI-T < 30 >, it shows more reliable and valid than in the original studies. The seriousness of the STCI-T<30>, shown less reliable and valid. " Factors in the STCI-S < 20 >, are reliable and valid. " Children are more predisposed to cheerfulness, more than for the seriousness and the bad mood. " Cheerfulness as a feature is what makes us recover before a situation in a bad mood or seriousness. " Factors, State and trait, have a strong relationship between them. There is no relationship between the States of cheerfulness and the prevalence of serious States. cheerfulness State and trait is negatively related to anxiety State and trait. cheerfulness can do that the anxiety decreases. The seriousness and the bad mood, state-trait, are positively related to anxiety state-trait. Serious and moodiness can positively influence the activation of anxiety.