Análisis e interpretación de los patrones de manchas de sangreexperiencia, formación y opiniones de los profesionales implicados en la investigación criminalistica

  1. Moreno Lopera, Manuel
Dirigida per:
  1. María Dolores Pérez Cárceles Directora
  2. Aurelio Luna Maldonado Director

Universitat de defensa: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 11 de de febrer de 2016

  1. Julio Sigüenza López President
  2. Herminio Ramón Padilla Alba Secretari/ària
  3. Juan José Nicolás Guardiola Vocal
  1. Ciencias Socio-Sanitarias

Tipus: Tesi


ABSTRACT Forensic Reconstructive Hematology is based on research and interpretation of the bloodstains, studying the mechanism of production of the same, shape, location, appearance, size, orientation, etc .; by its handle and reconstructive character is a valuable tool to analyze what happened at the scene of a crime. But the tool should be complemented by a research team with the proper and sufficient training to the topic. Researchers involved in criminal investigation and should not necessarily have knowledge about genetic or scientific studies for his role in the crime scene reinforces the investigation. A proper training about proper location, identification, removal, or as a measure or packaging, any fluid found at the scene of a crime, would be enough to ensure maximum efficiency during the research process. The introduction of the analysis techniques of interpretation of bloodstain patterns to criminalistics has been a major breakthrough in solving cases. The aim of the study was to determine the level of training, knowledge and opinions on the analysis of patterns of bloodstains of the professionals involved in the criminal investigation and the protection measures taken and the material available upon contact with blood. Materials and Methods: The study is descriptive, transversal and prospective. The sample consists of 180 professionals involved in the criminal investigation. To evaluate, labor, training and sociodemographic characteristics of opinions about spotting patterns designed a specific questionnaire of closed questions. The evaluation of knowledge on the analysis of patterns of blood stains was performed using a questionnaire designed for this purpose composed of 19 items closed answers classified in three levels of difficulty. Results and conclusions: 76% of respondents have only received theoretical training on spotting patterns up to 10 hours, not meeting the minimum requirements set by the International Association Stain Pattern Analysts hematological (IABPA) or by the Scientific Working Group for Stain Pattern Analysis hematological (SWGSTAIN), indicating that the number of hours for a basic course must comprise a minimum of 40 hours. The poorly educated respondents possess is only theoretical, since 100% of the professionals have not made any kind of practical activity on the interpretation of patterns of bloodstains, being a prerequisite for training in this area carrying requirement practices and design of experiments. The development of a protocol on the discipline they see fit 95% of professionals and 78% consider it useful interpretation of blood stain patterns for the interpretation of homicides, however, only 32% believe at present it would be admissible as evidence in a trial. The analysis of patterns of bloodstains in Spain seems to be a tool used by professionals because generally the bloodstains are used almost exclusively as evidence for DNA analysis. We consider essential to develop a manual of protocols on spotting patterns for professionals involved in the Criminal Investigation based on current scientific knowledge and experience of groups of national and international renowned research state.