Perfil externalizante e internalizante y estrés postraumático en menores expuestos a violencia de génerocaracterísticas y comorbilidad

  1. Martinez Perez, Antonia Mª
  1. Juan José López García Zuzendaria
  2. Concepción López Soler Zuzendaria

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 2015(e)ko abendua-(a)k 15

  1. Rosa María Baños Rivera Presidentea
  2. Julio Pérez López Idazkaria
  3. María Ángeles Espinosa Bayal Kidea
  1. Psicología Básica y Metodología

Mota: Tesia

Teseo: 122667 DIALNET


Target: The purpose of this research was to know the effects on level: i) psychopathological, externalizing and internalizing profile, and ii) of posttraumatic stress, in children exposed to gender violence, and their relation to the abuse they have suffered. The sample was composed on 153 underages, with ages from 8 to 17 (49.7% boys; 50.3% girls). Method: In order to assess this psychological variables described it was applied the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL: Achenbach and Edelbrock, 1983), and the Child PTSD Symptom Scale (CPSS; Foa, Johnson, Feen and Tredwell, 20001). The analysis of frequency and contingency tables was used to find out the prevalence in empirical syndromes and posttraumatic stress, classified by sex and age. The prevalence of the empirical syndrome was estimated according to score from Pc ? 93. According to posttraumatic stress different criteria where applied: DSM-IV-TR, DSM-5 and criteria from TEPT Partial (Asmundson, Norton, Allerdings, Norton y Larsen, 1998; Hickling y Blanchard, 1992; Jaycox et al., 2009; Scheeringa et al., 2003, Scheeringa, Zeanah y Cohen, 2010; Stein, Walker, Hazen y Forde, 1997). The analysis of variance (ANOVAs), has allowed to compare the different groups (in later comparisons the statistical value Dunn-Bonferroni was applied). The analysis of correlations allowed to establish the links among variables. Results: The children (8-12 years old) showed higher prevalence than teenagers (13-17 years old), both in internalizing symptomatology as in externalizing (CBCL), statistically significant. In terms of sex, no significant differences at all where found related to previous groups. In posttraumatic stress, girls showed a higher prevalence than boys, however it wasn't significant. In term of age, teenagers showed more TEPT symptomatology than children. Considering the TEPT diagnostic criteria and according to DSM-IV-TR, there was a prevalence of 18.3%; according to DSM-V, it was 15%; and following others TEPT Partial criteria ranged between 28.8% and 35.3%, according to differents authors. It was found prevalence rates in serious symptomatology in CBCL higher than minor symptomatology in those underages that showed TEPT Partial, being statistically significant. It was estimated the number of underages that showed once at all posttraumatic stress and one or more empirical syndromes, through different criteria. We must indicate that 54.6% of the underages showed three or more syndromes, and Full and Partial TEPT symptomatology (DSM-IV-TR). Beside, a significant marginal correlations of positive symbol between the number of syndromes in CBCL and the TEPT total score in the CPSS was obtained. The correlational analysis, showed that the higher the number of syndromes in CBCL the more intensity in each one of the varieties of abuse suffered by the underages. The analysis of variance confirmed that the clinical gravity of the symptomatology externalizing type compared to the underages who didn't showed clinical symptomatology was mainly related to a higher physical abuse rate to the mother and neglecting care towards the underages on the biological father's side, otherwise the clinical gravity of the internalizing symptomatology was more intensely related to physical and emotional abuse to the mother, a higher exposure of the underage to this kind of abuse and higher intensity in the emotional care exerted against the underage. Conclusion: The number of the kinds of abuse and the intensity of the violence the underages are exposed, and whose mothers suffer to gender violence on their partner side or expartner, are tightly related to the gravity of the posttraumatic stress outbursts and psychological problems in generals and its frequent comorbility.