Creatividad y estrategias metodológicas en educación infantil

  1. Baños Cardenal, Esperanza
Supervised by:
  1. Olivia López Martínez Director
  2. José David Cuesta Sáez de Tejada Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 14 January 2016

  1. Fuensanta Hernández Pina Chair
  2. Raquel Gilar Corbi Secretary
  3. Pilar Domínguez Rodríguez Committee member
  1. Developmental and Educational Psychology

Type: Thesis


ABSTRACT This PhD thesis consists of the study throughout the history of the different pedagogical models that currently persist in the stage of early childhood education, and the subsequent presentation of a methodology designed for the development of creativity at this stage. The school is one of the most appropriate contexts to stimulate creative thinking from the first years of life, -when the plasticity of the cognitive structures and their capacity to adapt to the changes are extremely flexible-. Their development will be much more effective if we identify the methodologies and strategies that promote the development of creative attitudes of students, and in turn we will provide the resources, timing and the space arrangement necessary to develop these attitudes. We will test the different effects caused by the application of different methodological strategies in the development of the creativity of second year students at the second stage of early childhood education (4 years old) -methodological strategies, derived from the traditional approach, the Constructivist teaching, and from the implementation of a new methodology based on the already mentioned Constructivist approach- (being activities particularly aimed towards the development of creativity included in this new methodoly). In order to perform this test we have used a quasi-experimental design of groups comparison with pretest-posttest for the different variables that configure the Torrance test of creative thinking (1976), and a pre-experimental design with a posttest to analyse information on the scale of observation of the characteristics of creative children, of Gervilla (1986), with the different centers that make up the sample. We will finish our study with conclusions on the results, some final thoughts, as well as future lines of research and the references used for the development of our study.