Información, transparencia y atención al ciudadano en la Administración autonómica de Galicia

  1. Picallo Bua, Jose Maria
Supervised by:
  1. Manuel Sánchez de Diego Fernández de la Riva Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 08 July 2021

  1. María Teresa Fernández Bajón Chair
  2. Beatriz del Carmen Martínez Isidoro Secretary
  3. Javier Sierra-Rodríguez Committee member
  4. Ainhoa Uribe Otalora Committee member
  5. José Manuel Canales Aliende Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 157109 DIALNET


The aim of this doctoral thesis is to make an analysis of the legal regime of the information and attention to the citizen and the transparency of the Autonomous Administration in Galicia, as well as the mechanisms through which the Galician Administration facilitates information and assists the citizens with the aim of clarifying its extent, its effects and the degree of its implementation.A piece of information which arrives to the public through what is called “Active publicity”, when it is the Administration the one which puts the information at the citizen´s disposal, without no need of him to require it. As when it is the own citizen the one who formally requires it, exercising his right of access to the information which the Administration owns. But it is not enough that the information is at the citizen´s disposal, it is necessary, besides, that this one can be received and assisted properly when he goes to any public office. And this has not always happened this way...