Estudio de la inclusión en las aulas abiertas especializadas de la Región de Murcia desde la voz del alumnado

  1. Caballero Garcia, Carmen Maria
Dirigida per:
  1. Pilar Arnaiz Sánchez Directora
  2. Andrés Escarbajal Frutos Director

Universitat de defensa: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 08 de d’octubre de 2021

  1. Tomás Sola Martínez President/a
  2. Remedios de Haro Rodríguez Secretària
  3. Gabriela Martínez Sainz Vocal
  1. Didáctica y Organización Escolar

Tipus: Tesi


The education systems of this century face the challenge of guaranteeing an inclusive and quality education for all students, without exception, within ordinary and standardized educational contexts. In fact, this is one of the main goals that have been set out in the 2030 International Agenda for sustainable development. To achieve this purpose, in the Spanish educational system there are multiple specific measures of attention to diversity aimed at the attention and educational response of students with Special Educational Needs (SEN). Specifically, among the available measures, in the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia, the measure of Specialized Open Classrooms has been developing since the 1995-1996 school year. Thus, this measure is aimed at schooling in ordinary centers for students with several and permanent Special Educational Needs who require extensive and generalized support and significant curricular adaptations in most areas of the curriculum. In this way, it is intended to reduce the enrollment of this type of student in the segregated centers of Special Education, favoring their presence in normalized environments and, with it, interaction and socialization with the rest of the peers of the regular centers. Although the specific measure of the Open Classrooms Specialized leads implanted in the region of Murcia over 25 years, so far, it has not been any research process in order to analyze the functioning of the measure and degree of inclusion of the target students based on the voices of the protagonists themselves: the students in the open classrooms and their peers in the ordinary classrooms of reference. Consequently, the general objective of this doctoral thesis is to analyze the inclusion of the students enrolled in the Open Classrooms of the ordinary centers of the Region of Murcia from their voice and that of their peers in the ordinary Reference Classrooms. In addition, to fulfill this general objective, the following specific objectives have been set: 1. Study the progression of the opening of Open Classrooms since its creation and its geographical distribution in the stages of Infant and Primary Education and Secondary Education. 2. Analyze the psychopedagogical characteristics of the students enrolled in the Specialized Open Classrooms. 3. Examine the perception of Open Classroom students towards their specialized classroom and the different elements that comprise it. 4. Analyze the attendance and participation of the Open Classroom students in the Reference Classroom from their perspective and the assessment of the different elements that make up the ordinary classroom. 5. Examine the reception, relationship and participation of the students of the Open Classrooms in the Ordinary Classrooms and the attitudes of the teaching staff towards inclusion from the perception of the students of the Reference Classrooms. 6. Study the level of socialization of the Open Classroom students with their peers of reference outside the classrooms. The methodological approach of this research is mixed sequential (QUAN - Qual) through a non-experimental and descriptive design. The participants involved in the quantitative phase of this study were 2996 students involved in the development of the specialized Open Classrooms of 58 educational centers, of which 347 were enrolled in the Specialized Open Classrooms and 2649 in the ordinary reference classrooms. The participants in the qualitative phase of the study were 73 students related to the Specialized Open Classrooms of two educational centers in the Region of Murcia, of which 16 were students enrolled in the Open Classrooms and 57 were classmates from the reference classrooms. The instruments used to collect the information of the quantitative phase were two questionnaires designed ad-hoc in order to collect the voices of the students involved in the specific measurement of open classrooms. The techniques used to collect the voice of the students in the qualitative phase have been four: the mural of situations; the discussion group; technique this is me, and; file on my friend from the open classroom. The results of the study highlight the existence of important limitations in the inclusion of the students of the Specialized Open Classrooms, as their possibilities of presence, participation and learning within their ordinary classrooms of reference and in the common activities developed in the regular center are limited. Therefore, it is concluded that this specific measure does not comply with the principles of inclusive education, acting as an educational modality "parallel" and "different" from the ordinary one, which is the cause of processes of exclusion and educational inequality. In conclusion, based on the findings of the study, a deep reflection on the organization and operation of this specific measure is advocated, making changes and improvements that are pertinent to move towards a fully inclusive school model and abandoning educational practices that remain anchored in the deficit model