Historiografía feminista en la obra de Dacia Marainianálisis y traducción de "Chiara di Assisi. Elogio della Disobbedienza"
- Miralles Guardiola, Almudena
- María Belén Hernández González Director
Defence university: Universidad de Murcia
Fecha de defensa: 08 November 2021
- Salvatore Bartolotta Chair
- Encarna Esteban Bernabé Secretary
- Amanda Salvioni Committee member
Type: Thesis
The object of study of this doctoral thesis deals with the aesthetics of Dacia Maraini and the way in which her work contributes to giving visibility to women, denouncing existing and persistent gender injustices and inequalities throughout history in developed societies. To specify the search and exemplify it in an emblematic text, we have chosen the analysis of one of her mature novels, entitled Chiara di Assisi. Elogio della disobbedienza (2013), where it is possible to observe the main axes of the author's thought, which in turn vertebrates her entire literary production. OBJECTIVES The main objective of the thesis is to verify Maraini's intention to value important female referents who are invisible and, therefore, absent in the collective imagination, in addition to checking the methods through which she carries out this labour. Together with the review of the life and professional trajectory of the author and the study of the external and internal structures of Chiara di Assisi. Elogio della disobbedienza as a manifestation of this Marainian purpose, we propose the translation of the novel into Spanish. This text, published in 2021 by the Altamarea publishing house, allows us the addition of two other objectives. On the one hand, the contribution to the development of the aforementioned purpose of the writer through the dissemination of the thought reflected in her essays among the Spanish-speaking public. On the other, the proposal of a corpus of frequent translation strategies in processes in which the source language is Italian and the target is Spanish. METHODOLOGY The thesis is structured in three parts. In the first one, the research focuses on Maraini's life trajectory and literary training, in order to discover the motivations and experiences that favour the development of her vindictive spirit, specifically with regard to women's rights. At a methodological level, in this part we start from a meticulous review of Maraini's writings featuring women, both historical and inspired by real examples, in which the author reflects the thinking that contributed to the development of European feminism in the 70s and 80s, to proceed with its analysis and critical comment. For the comment we also resort to the theoretical context provided by the historian Gerda Lerner, a pioneer in gender studies that seek to explain the configuration of patriarchal societies. After reviewing the evolution of Maraini's feminist thought and its reflection in literature, the second part of the thesis deals with the study of the novel proposed to deepen this ideology: Chiara di Assisi. Elogio della disobbedienza. Thus, in chapters 4 and 5 we review the external and internal structures of the writing to determine the author's motivations in this proposal for an archaeological novel, which contains reflections on all the existential issues of Maraini's thought through the reinterpretation of Clare of Assisi and that it functions, depending on the moment of the narrative, as an epistolary novel and as an essay-fiction. From the point of view of the methodology, we place the critical commentary in the theoretical context provided by the proposals of the literary critics Baquero Goyanes, Javier Rodríguez Pequeño and Enrique Páez, among others, while from the historical point of view the work of Gerda Lerner and that of scholars of the figure of the saint of Assisi, such as the writer and Clare María Victoria Triviño, continues to be fundamental. The last focus of the research, which corresponds to the third and last part of the thesis, deals with my proposal to translate the novel into Spanish, Clara de Asís. Elogio de la desobediencia (2021), published by the Madrid publishing house Altamarea at the beginning of this year. It is a work carried out in collaboration with Dacia Maraini herself, who received me at her house in Rome and did not hesitate to put herself at my disposal in the event of any difficulties that might arise. In the successive examination of the translation and editing problems of the translation process, we have considered the theories of Toury, Nida and Osimo, whose contributions support the comments in the last chapter, on the specific difficulties of the transposition of literary texts from Italian to Spanish, which will be useful both in training and professional fields. CONCLUSIONS The conclusions of the research show the work of Dacia Maraini during the last four decades to vindicate the rights of women towards the search for historical and contemporary female examples that constitute a valid reference network for the challenges of today's society. We have discovered that, in her eagerness to offer references for self-improvement to contemporary women, she has become a great guide from which to seek inspiration. We have been able to assess the scope of the dissemination of Dacia Maraini's literature and her feminist thought in Spain, to which I have contributed in part thanks to the translation of one of her masterpieces. Beyond these results, our commitment in this regard will continue, through new translation and research projects in the future.