A theoretical review of the child socialisation process in spain
- Esther Martínez Pastor 1
- Miguel Ángel Nicolás 2
- Almudena García Manso 1
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Universidad de Murcia
ISSN: 1989-3469
Year of publication: 2016
Issue Title: Teens and Ads
Issue: 1
Pages: 378-399
Type: Article
More publications in: Prisma Social: revista de investigación social
The aim of this article is to undertake a preliminary theoretical review, prior to designing a quantitative study that examines how socio-affective family relationships between children and adults are portrayed in toy advertising in Spain. It begins with a bibliographical review of sociological theory to understand the child socialisation process and the influence of the media, advertising and family on that process. The original contribution of this work is not to present the conclusions of a study; it aims instead to offer a number of points raised by way of preliminary assumptions and hypotheses, prior to designing a quantitative and qualitative study which makes it possible to identify which typologies of toys use a representation of family in their advertising, what role is played by this representation in the advert, what type of affective relationships are considered in the semantic construction of the message and how this can influence the child socialisation process.
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