Diversidad de creencias religiosas, violencia y acoso escolarun estudio sobre esta atribución causal en jóvenes del camino neocatecumenal

  1. Ibañez Bordallo, David
Supervised by:
  1. María Ángeles Hernández Prados Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 12 November 2021

  1. Juan Carlos Torrego Seijo Chair
  2. Inmaculada Méndez Mateo Secretary
  3. Roberto Sanz Ponce Committee member
  1. Theory and History of Education

Type: Thesis


This research focuses on one of the great issues in the educational field, school violence and bullying. Understanding the complexity of the phenomenon, this study is specifically interested in the relationship between violent dynamics and religious affiliations. Consequently, Discovering in the current context a wide variety of beliefs and taking into consideration beliefs as an issue rooted in one's own identity, shaping particular worldviews, and whose integrity is closely linked to the fundamental notions of freedom and autonomy, this work research delves into the implications for a particular group of believers, with a special presence in Spain and the Region of Murcia: the members of the Neocatechumenal Way, a unique itinerary for Christian growth within the Catholic universe. Specifically, attention is focused on two particular factors and their conjugation: causal attributions as a fundamental component in victimization processes and religious beliefs as a unique element in the school diversity, which participates in its own way in the violent dynamics and in the development of these assignments. Therefore, in order to carry out this study, an approach is made to the perception of the aggressions received due to this believer identification and its prevalence, the belief in such casual attribution and the estimation of the affectation or impact. An ex post facto methodology is applied in this study, with a sample of 45 participants between 18 and 25 years old, using a questionnaire specifically designed for this enquiry, validated through an inter-judge agreement evaluation process, reliable (? = 0.862), and that allows a mixed analysis, including quantitative entries and others that collect expressions and short stories which are qualitatively analyzed. A generalized recognition of attacks attributed to religious affiliation is discovered in the obtained results, discerning different degrees of recurrence and perceived victimization. In addition, a significant prevalence of verbal aggressions is highlighted with respect to social an digital attacks, which have been found to a lesser extent. In turn, a moderate belief in the generality of causal attribution is revealed and, except in the cases that present a higher victimization, a low degree of impact is recognized. To conclude, according to what was argued in the theoretical framework and by the observation of the results obtained, it delves into a reflection on the different implications, the protection of students and Intercultural Education.