Diferencias individuales en deporte y creatividad

  1. García Peñas, Vanesa
Dirigida per:
  1. Enrique Javier Garcés de Los Fayos Ruiz Director
  2. Francisco Javier Corbalán Berná Director

Universitat de defensa: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 21 de de desembre de 2021

  1. Juan González Hernández President/a
  2. Francisco Javier Méndez Carrillo Secretari
  3. Sergio Escorial Martín Vocal
  1. Personalidad, Evaluación y Tratamiento Psicológicos

Tipus: Tesi


Creativity is considered a psychological resource that can affect a wide range of human activity, including sport. Sport generates a very favourable environment for self-improvement and the improvement of skills. The purpose of this paper is to study how both variables interact. After a narrative and a systematic literature review, an integrative view of the state of the art in sport and creativity research is proposed, including a cognitive, affective and environmental model, which incorporates motor creativity and tactical creativity. Additionally, other variables involved have been considered: personality, spatial intelligence, physical self-concept, psychological well-being, competitiveness and values, on which an additional literature review is carried out. The aim of the research is to analyse the participation of creativity in sport practice and performance, taking into account these other variables. The final sample of the study consisted of 761 participants, 80.02% of whom came from Spain (n = 609), mostly from the Region of Murcia, and 19.97% from Argentina (n = 152), mostly from the Province of Jujuy. 37.1% (n = 282) from them were men and 62.9% (n = 479) women, aged between 13 and 73 years, with an average age of 20.4 years (SD = 7.5). 70.8% (n=539) from them practised sport and 29.2% (n=222) did not practise any sports. Twelve tests were used, and two were newly created. They are: Sociodemographic Questionnaire, IPAQ, Competitiveness-10, Sport-Practice Styles (EPD), Physical Self-Perception Profile (PSPP), Psychological Well-Being Scales (PWBS), CUVADE, NEO-FFI; S Factor (PMA), CREA, Flexibility and Fluency (SOI). The results show descriptive analysis based on socio-demographic variables and sport practice. Likewise, multiple linear regression models are applied to carry out an inferential analysis of 42 explanatory variables on the 4 creativity variables under study. Analysing the results, it could be stated that those who practise sport show a behavioural style typical of healthy people, both in terms of physical and mental health. Furthermore, in line with the majority of the scientific literature consulted, it could be argued that there are indicators of specific relationships between creativity and sport. There are significant differences of greater creativity in sportsmen and women versus non-sportsmen and women, in women versus men and in those sportsmen and women who take part in competitions versus those who don’t. It has been possible to establish regression models that allow us to draw a more accurate profile of some psychological dimensions and traits of sports practice associated with a more creative athlete. Such a profile would primarily include the following characteristics: being female, competitive, open-minded, low conscientiousness (in the sense of scrupulousness), low persistence and high creativity in playing style, good spatial intelligence, good command of the environment, low neuroticism, high motivation to move away from failure, high personal growth and a certain level of extraversion. Finally, there are some indications in favour of considering a specific domain of sport creativity. It has additionally been observed that the score in the CREA test is the most effective, among those used, for predicting creativity in the field of sport practice.