Influencia de la traducción de unidades fraseológicas en la calidad de un texto literario traducidoun estudio de caso aplicado a "El amor en los tiempos del cólera" y su traducción al inglés "Love in the time of cholera"

  1. Carpes Salar, Francisco Javier
unter der Leitung von:
  1. Manuel Sevilla Muñoz Doktorvater

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 11 von Februar von 2022

  1. Florentina Mena Martínez Präsidentin
  2. Salud María Jarilla Bravo Sekretär/in
  3. Jorge Soto Almela Vocal
  1. Traducción e Interpretación

Art: Dissertation


The translation of phraseological units is a complex process, due to their intrinsic feature (idiomaticity and fixation) and their pragmatic and cultural component. This process becomes even more complex when PUs are inserted in literary texts. In these contexts, they are more susceptible to be used to accomplish certain communicative purposes of the author such as creating stylistic effects, describing characters, or creating the environment of a novel. Besides, PUs may be also modified by the author to achieve these communicative purposes. Considering this idea, the implications of PUs are beyond the transmission of semantic content, since they seem to participate in the process of creating a literary work by giving information about the characters, the cultural and geographical environment, and topics of a literary text. Based on these considerations, the motivation of this doctoral dissertation arises from the aforementioned implications that PUs may carry in a literary context. These implications led us to consider whether PUs translation has an influence on the quality of a literary translated text to such an extent that it can be considered a key element in its assessment. On this basis, this dissertation is focused on the translation process of PUs inserted in a literary context. Specifically, it addresses the transmission of information about the characters, the culture, and topics of a novel and its influence on the quality of a literary translated text. Therefore, this doctoral dissertation has three subjects of study: PUs inserted in a specific literary context, their functioning in that context and its translation process. Its main objective is to determine the influence of PUs translation on the quality of a literary translated text. Thus, its purpose is addressed from a double approach: on the one hand, the functioning of PUs in a specific literary context is studied; on the other, the translation process of PUs is analyzed to determine its influence on the quality of a literary translated text. Hence, this doctoral dissertation is interdisciplinary, since phraseological, traductological and hermeneutic approaches are combined. To develop this doctoral dissertation, García Márquez’s novel El amor en los tiempos del cólera (1985) and its translation into English Love in the time of cholera (1988) by Edith Grossman were selected as the texts of the study. A hermeneutic analysis was conducted to gain an in-depth knowledge of the author, the novel and its translation into English, which is essential for analyzing the PUs contained in both texts. The idiomatic PUs of both texts (locutions, phraseological statements, syntactic schemes and paroemias) were identified and extracted. Then, they were documented in lexicographical and phraseographical sources, classified and incorporated into a phraseological corpus. Based on this corpus, six analyses were carried out: three qualitative analyses and three quantitative analyses. Four of these studies were conducted on the phraseology of the original novel and the translated novel, and two on the translation process. Those analyses of the phraseology of both texts at different levels and the hermeneutic study of the original novel confirm the participation of PUs in the process of creating a literary work since they performed specific functions. Considering this, PUs characterize the literary text beyond the transmission of semantic content because they participate in the description of characters, cultural and geographical aspects, as well as in the thematic composition, through performing specific functions. Furthermore, these studies show that not only semantic content may be lost in the translation process of PUs, but also fundamental information about the characters, the culture, the geographical setting, and the topics of the novel. According to this idea, PUs’ translation can be considered an element to assess the quality of a translated novel.