Experiencia y adaptaciónla actitud cognoscitiva en la obra ensayística de Rafael Sánchez Ferlosio

  1. Romero Mulero, Pablo
Dirixida por:
  1. Xavier Baró Queralt Director
  2. Juan Sáez Carreras Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 25 de febreiro de 2022

  1. Jorge Novella Suárez Presidente
  2. José Sánchez Tortosa Secretario/a
  3. María Laura Martínez Vogal

Tipo: Tese


The epistemological attitude in Ferlosio's work is the vertex at which various issues converge (or unfold) as the author's object of analysis, especially what we could call, in a broad sense, the study of the cultural manifestations of the contemporary world, amongst which the interest in developing a kind of educational philosophy stands out. Knowledge -cognitive experience- radically conditions the individual's relationship with reality. The way in which knowledge is conceived will condition the relationship that the human being establishes with the world, and by virtue of that specific relationship that man has with things, he will build a concrete pedagogical theory. The main objective of this work is, therefore, to show the affiliation between the notions of knowledge and education in Ferlosio, the latter understood as the peculiar and specific relationship of man with the world through experience, and as a consequence of the crisis of the contemporary individual, crisis associated with the concepts previously described. In the same way, we intend to understand the author's contributions to contemporary Spanish thought in relation to education by analysing the moral, historical and anthropological consequences of his critical realism. Regarding the methodology used, the work consists of a philosophical-conceptual analysis about the ideas of knowledge and adaptation as one of the binary relationships that Ferlosio analyses in depth, which allow us to understand the motivation of his linguistic writings in his essay work. From this dialectical relationship, manifested in the fields of education, language and politics, the successive problems that we have been unravelling are born. The most important of which is the so-called cognitive villainy. From the analysis of this double approach, it has been concluded in the first place the absence of studies of a specifically gnoseological nature about the author, whose essay work has yet to be reckoned; secondly, and as the main conclusion of the work, the novelty of the idea of supplanting the realistic cognitive method by a subjectivist, doctoring and centripetal pedagogy, which supplants reality to offer it as an ideological product that sterilises the educational experience and prevents knowledge. Key concepts: epistemology, philosophy of education, language theory, adaptation, experience, knowledge.