Aproximación a los cuidados de larga duración durante el pico de la COVID-19 en la Región de Murcia
- Martínez López, José Ángel 1
- Lázaro-Pérez, Cristina 1
- Gómez-Galán, José 2
- Raducea, Mihaela
Universidad de Murcia
- 2 Universidad de Extremadura - Ana G. Méndez University
ISSN: 1989-3469
Año de publicación: 2021
Título del ejemplar: Investigación social sobre políticas del cuidado y la dependencia en Europa e Iberoamérica
Número: 32
Páginas: 128-146
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: Prisma Social: revista de investigación social
The global health crisis resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting all spheres of society, including long-term care. During the most critical weeks of the first wave of the pandemic in Spain, the difficulties for caregivers have increased to those traditionally existing, characterized by: the difficult fit between work and care, the invisibility and lack of social recognition of their work, the development of care in precariousness and lack of social protection, low wages, burnout syndrome, etc. The general objective of this study is to describe how care work was developed during the peak of the pandemic during the first wave in Spain. In this context, exploratory, descriptive, and transversal research has been developed from an eminently quantitative method through the technique of the survey during April 2020. The major results show that the care work has meant an important overload for the caregivers, increasing the hours they spend on care, affecting their health and their level of emotional fatigue and anxiety before the processes of dying of others. Keywords: COVID-19; long-term care; dependency; families; emotional fatigue; conciliation; precariousness.
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