The intelligence of the trendsdefiniendo el campo metodológico para el estudio de las tendencias sociales y de consumo: un estudio comparado Brasil-España

  1. López Vilar, María
Dirigée par:
  1. Pedro Antonio Hellín Ortuño Directeur
  2. Clotilde Perez Directeur/trice

Université de défendre: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 18 janvier 2016

  1. Fernando R. Contreras Medina President
  2. Emma Torres Romay Secrétaire
  3. Eneus Trindade Rapporteur
  1. Comunicación

Type: Thèses


Abstract We live in an increasingly complex society, which makes the knowledge of today's consumer, their likes and preferences. The study of social trends and consumer is presented as a new research tool adapted to the present, able to provide valuable knowledge from the social context and time consumption that surrounds us. This knowledge allows brands, products or services to achieve the contemporary consumer through innovative solutions resulting from the strategic implementation of social and consumer trends. The research of social and consumer trends is an unexplored field both nationally and internationally, therefore do not have a consensus theoretical framework and even less with a methodology and techniques for investigation. Premise from which the main objective of the present investigation was established: to propose a map of methods and techniques for the study of them, opening the field to a definition of the methodological field of social trends and consumer and epistemological contribute to establishment of the sociocultural context surrounding the study of social and consumer trends.