De santa y mártir a babie girldesarrollo de un discurso expositivo, adaptación del proyecto artístico al espacio expositivo e investigación en los materiales

  1. Pérez Casanova, Maria del Carmen
  1. Pedro Alberto Cruz Sánchez Zuzendaria
  2. Francisco Javier Caballero Cano Zuzendaria

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 2016(e)ko azaroa-(a)k 24

  1. María del Mar Garrido Román Presidentea
  2. José Mayor Iborra Idazkaria
  3. Enrique Nieto Fernández Kidea
  1. Historia del Arte

Mota: Tesia


ABSTRACT OBJECTIVES The first objective of this thesis is to develop an expository speech, starting from a previous career, it aims to advance providing a transformation both conceptually and in the implementation, research and development of new techniques, based on the study of the own experimentation and of other artists. The exhibition discourse starts from an investigation into holy virgins and martyrs of the Catholic Church, and of how religion has determined and still determines the position of women in society. From the exhibition discourse view of the Catholic religion, the aim is to adapt the work to a connoted space, choosing a deconsecrated exhibition hall, such as the old convent church in Murcia Veronicas. METHODOLOGY The thesis is structured into two parts: -The First part, referred to hagiography, historical framework, research and artistic references. Beginning with the study of the origins of Christianity taking into account eight saints who all have in common the same fact of being virgins and martyrs, which brings us to the idea of the status of women at that time, and all of them are outstanding examples of insubordination to established standards. It is necessary to frame them in their historical context to understand their behaviour. Furthermore I pose a brief tour along the history emphasizing the feminist movements that arise to denounce the situation of inequality with an emphasis especially on how these women have claimed and how they have made it through art. From that point, it arises a series of research to which I approach briefly and that finally takes me to configure the speech (s) that will be the basis for future exhibition projects, motivating me to explore other plastic languages that have to do with mixed media and textiles, and go beyond the two-dimensionality. For this purpose I make a tour of the feminine and feminist art contemporary references. -The Second part refers to the curatorial and production work, along with research materials and processes. CONCLUSIONS Western Christian culture was formed since its very beginning from a patriarchal society that due to its evolutionary logical consequence, has been drifting in a defense situation articulated by the various feminist movements throughout history. Although the social context and forms of violence, torture, sacrifice and pain have evolved, are still present today. Both ancient and postmodern era there is a process of redemption, before reaching a position of glory in eternal life and now for earthly glory. With the imposition of certain aesthetic canons by the media, women are despotically exposed to a barrage of retouched images that suggest an unreal beauty, which can only be accessed by invasive methods such as surgery with the risks for health, and at the same time it provokes psychological violence that undermine women's self-esteem. These torture models submit women. When historical circumstances of helplessness are overcome, new ones are created to maintain control by the patriarchy. This thesis allows me to trasform and turn my formal and conceptual work. Research on artists and on the different ways in which each of them treat the concepts of pain, sacrifice, claim through the body and associated with its elements, are the basis for instrumentalize my work, by all means, from the point of view of my subjectivity.